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you can do a "cwe" which is known as a cold water extract. first take your hydrocodone how ever many milligrams you want to do{beginners start small}crush them to a fine powder...then take a jar cup or bottle and add water about 1ml per every milligram...warm not hot take your crushed pills and add to water shake it vigorously for about 5 min..or until you see no more powder on the bottom of the container...let the mix chill in the fridge until it is cold..then strain into another cup using a coffee filter or cheese will get a white glob in the filter this is the unwanted fillers in the will be left with a liquid opiate..and if u wanted to snort it set your oven to 150f and pour the mix into a cooking pan and let the water evaporate you will be left with the powder form scrape off slowly and sniff....have fun and be careful

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Not very easily. You want to get high? Use another drug.
Go to the store and buy Isopropyl Alcohol find something small i used a cigar tube and crushed up three subs and let it sit for an hour then just suck up the Alcohol leaving the res in the bottom let that evap out of the tube and there you have it most of the naloxone gone you can bang or go under the tongue but banging it is much better either way be careful and remember doing this you will use up your subs fast and will still be left with a habbit.

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So is it the alcohol you draw up that has the good stuff or the pile of pill that u let dry out that does
I guess I'm asking does the alcohol u draw up contain the naloxone or is it the pill mush that has itΒ 
Please answer too ..because my doc won't switch to sub. Tex reason why I want to is my legs are swelling I think it's the naloxone I've been reading online it causes it ..but I'm in drug court and I gotta take itΒ 

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βˆ™ 16y ago

You should not be attempting to do this (not to mention that it isn't possible, it is an opiate agonist in it, not an opiate, just a drug that competes for the receptor and turns it on the same as opioids would). Suboxone is intended to substitute the opioid product you were taking to help relieve the dependence on it. You should take the suboxone as directed instead of taking opioids.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

To create morphine base, the opium is added to boiling water. The raw opium dissolves into a clear brown liquid or "liquid opium." Plant scrapings and other impurities float to the top to be scooped up. Slaked lime is then added to the liquid so that the morphine alkaloid reacts with the lime to form a solution. The solution is poured through a filter to remove any impurities, such as other alkaloids, that have sunk to the bottom. Concentrated ammonia is added to the solution and is then reheated. The morphine solidifies and settles at the bottom of the pot. A cloth is used to filter out the solid white chunks of morphine base. The morphine base, also known as "Heroin No. 1," which makes up about 10 percent of the original quantity of raw opium, is wrapped into blocks and dried out in the sun. The blocks are now ready to be shipped to heroin laboratories.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Talk to your prescribing physician, and get placed on a tapering schedule of Suboxone. This will minimize the withdrawal experience (and symptoms).

You should not take another opiate to stop suboxone withdrawl....that is the reason, in the first place, that suboxone is used for in opiate addiction treatment.

There is what is called a "tapering process", that is slow, gradual and kind. Enabling you to eventually be off the opiate without any withdrawl symptoms....for the most part. Some people do speak of slight symptoms, but nothing like a cold turkey withdrawl...not even close. What i have heard is you may get a little big of "restless legs" or a little anxiety......for which, if you want to start again....there are meds to be had for this....Dr's do use them to help with the tapering process, but not at all necessary for successful taper, if willing to put up with it....and it is manageable.

There is a great website; that has an entire section devoted to the taper process...where you can read members posts throughout the process.....some take it quickly, some slower-you do what you feel is best for you, working with doctor....or if you are getting subs on your own, you can even state this and ask for advice on how to do it......there is a professional moderator there, that is very liberal and tolerable of those on their is ok with them and they are willing to help.

Hope this is good info for you....please reconsider swapping opiates....even though suboxone works along the same lines, it is a more responsible way to do it.

Good luck

I hope this is helpful

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βˆ™ 7y ago

You don't. Codeine requires a prescription.

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What is codeine derived from?

Codeine is the stepped down version of morphine, which is the active ingredient in the opium scrapped from opium poppies. Google codeine to see the chemical process in preparing this substance.

Does hydrocodon contain codeine?

Yes - hydrocodone (also called Vicodine) is simply a small does of codeine and a standard full-strength dose of Tylenol (acetaminophen) in one pill. It was called "Tylenol 3" back in the day.

Will morphine show up as codeine?

The two chemicals are almost the same. Another name for codeine is "methylmorphine," or basically a morphine molecule with a Methyl group on the #3 carbon. In the body, enzymes in the liver typically remove this methyl group to convert codeine into plain old morphine. Typically about 10% of codeine is converted to morphine. A typically dose of codeine for an adult might be 30mg. With a 10% conversion rate, that's about 3mg of morphine.

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Opium derivatives are substances synthesized from morphine, codeine, or thebaine, such as Heroin (from morphine) and Oxycodone (from thebaine).

Codeine and cocaine the same?

Not at all. No. Codeine is an opiate--it comes from the opium poppy. Cocaine comes from the coca plant.

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Codeine is derived from opium as is morphine and heroin. i take my drug test it showed codeine why?

What plant is codeine derived from?

opium poppy plant in south America

Who invented codeine?

Codeine originally was derived from opium which itself comes from poppy plants.

Is codeine a form of cocaine?

no, codeine is an opiate, derived from the opium plant. it is similar to percocet. opiates have the oposite effect of cocaine.

How do you extract opium from poppy seeds?

No. It'll kill you

What is the primary active ingredient in opium?

The active ingredient in Opium is morphine and codine. and the part of the opium utilized for medical purposes are its latex from the Opium poppies. Holla at your boy Big Mike University of Houston Victoria.

What is the source plant of opiates such as codeine or morphine?

It is the opium poppy. (Papaver somniferum)