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You need to download Excel or Word Add-ins from the Add-Ins page in Quality Center...then you will get an option in Excel-->Tools-->Export to Quality Center

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Q: How do you export the requirements into quality center?
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How do you export the requirements into quality center using open office?

According to me till now there no way to export requirements,tes and defect into QC using open office.Only we use Excel to export.

How do you upload Excel sheet into Quality center?

the excel sheet that one needs to upload, to its toolbar there is an option TOOLS. Follow the steps: TOOLS > EXPORT TO QUALITY CENTER click on the option Export To Quality Center. It will take a few minutes to upload the sheet into Quality Center.

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How do you export test cases from Quality Center?

You can't. Mercury/HP does not support export functionality. There is a work around, but it is messy and requires lots of manual effort. Mercury/HP Quality Center does not have export functionality for requirements, tests, or defects. That's correct for the moment. To solve this Problem open Tools and select Excel Report Generator and create a new Query and use the following SQL query : SELECT DS_STEP_NAME as Step_Name, DS_DESCRIPTION as Description, DS_EXPECTED as Expected, TS_NAME as Testname, TS_SUBJECT as Subject, TS_USER_04 as Application, TS_Status as Status, TS_TEST_ID as Test_ID, TS_USER_21 as User_Group, TS_RESPONSIBLE as Designer, TS_DESCRIPTION as Details_DESCRIPTION FROM DESSTEPS, TEST WHERE DS_TEST_ID = TS_TEST_ID (+) AND TS_NAME = 'here your test case name that you want take or remark this row to export all testcases '

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