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Trade it to Pokemon diamond or Pokemon pearl game. Then for leafeon go to eterna forest, you will find mossy rock, level up your eevee around it and your eevee evolve into leafeon; and for glaceon go downside the snow point city to the icy Blizzard, you will find an icy rock rock, level it up and you got glaceon. If you are playing in smartphone then you can only use the cheat of encountering leafeon/glaceon everytime in the wild because trading Pokemon yourself in any DS emulator is almost impossible, even due to the lack of good grass Pokemons I too seriously want leafeon but only cheat can help me for that.

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Q: How do you evolve eevee into Glaceon and leafeon in heartgold and soulsilver?
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What Eevee evolutions are in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can get a Jolteon with a Thunder Stone, a Flareon with a Fire Stone, a Vaporeon with a Water Stone, an Umbreon by getting it to max happinesss during the night, and you can Espeon by getting it to max happiness during the day. You cannot evolve Eevee into Glaceon or Leafeon in HeartGold or SoulSilver. Eevee evolves into Glaceon when you level it up at the Icy Rock at Rt 217 or at the Icy Rock in Twist Mountain. Eevee evolves into Leafeon when you level it up at the Moss Rock at Eterna Forest or Pinwheel Forest. As Rt 217, Twist Mountain, Eterna Forest and Pinwheel Forest are only available in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black and White, you cannot evolve Eevee into Leafeon or Glaceon in HeartGold or SoulSilver.

All the ways to evolve evee in heart gold?

In Pokémon HeartGold, you can only evolve Eevee 5 ways which would be: Using a Fire Stone on an Eevee into to evolve it into a Flareon, use a Thunderstone on Eevee in order to evolve it into a Jolteon, use a Water Stone on Eevee in order to evolve it into a Vaporeon, evolve it into Umbreon via level-up at night (which is between 8PM and 4AM) when it's happy enough and evolve it into Espeon via level-up during the day time. You can also evolve Eevee into Glaceon and Leafeon however evolving Eevee into Glaceon or Leafeon is not possible in "HeartGold" or "SoulSilver," Eevee can only evolve into Glaceon via level-up when it's near the Ice Rock which can only be found in the Sinnoh region near Snowpoint City and Eevee can only evolve into Leafeon when it's near the Moss Rock which can only be found in the Sinnoh region which is in the Eterna Forest.

How do you evolve Feebas into Milotic in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver versions?

If you get it 8 haircuts/massages and then level it up, it should evolve. Galceon, Leafeon, Megezone, and Probepass must be traded for.

What are all the evolve forms of Eevee?

Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Leafeon, Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon

How do you evolve Eevee into a Glaceon on Soul Silver?

Can only evolve from Eevee if it gains a level while on Route 217, so you must trade an Eevee over to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum and evolve it there, since there is no Route 217 in HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Related questions

Can you get Leafeon or Glaceon in Heart Gold or SoulSilver?

No. In order to get a glaceon or leafeon in soul silver you have to trade your evee to diamond, pearl, or platinum and evolve them in their appropriate locations

How do you get eevee to evolve into leafeon in Pokemon soul silver?

you cant get glaceon or lefeon in soulsilver

Where can you evolve Eevee in soul sliver?

If you mean how to make it evolve: In SoulSilver and HeartGold, you can get an Espeon by training your Eevee in the day time, and at a certain lvl. it will evolve into Espeon. To get Umbreon, you do the same thing, except you train it at night (it may take a couple tries when it's going to evolve to get it to evolve into Umbreon if you've trained it in the day time, too). To get Jolteon, use a thunder stone. Flareon, fire stone. Vaporeon, water stone. To get Leafeon and Glaceon, trade to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, and for Leafeon, go to the forest after the 'Flower Town' and make it go up a lvl. and it should evolve into Leafeon. For Glaceon, go to the snowy rout, and make it go up a lvl. and you get a Glaceon. Then trade back to get it in HeartGold/SoulSilver.

What Eevee evolutions are in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can get a Jolteon with a Thunder Stone, a Flareon with a Fire Stone, a Vaporeon with a Water Stone, an Umbreon by getting it to max happinesss during the night, and you can Espeon by getting it to max happiness during the day. You cannot evolve Eevee into Glaceon or Leafeon in HeartGold or SoulSilver. Eevee evolves into Glaceon when you level it up at the Icy Rock at Rt 217 or at the Icy Rock in Twist Mountain. Eevee evolves into Leafeon when you level it up at the Moss Rock at Eterna Forest or Pinwheel Forest. As Rt 217, Twist Mountain, Eterna Forest and Pinwheel Forest are only available in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black and White, you cannot evolve Eevee into Leafeon or Glaceon in HeartGold or SoulSilver.

Where do you evolve your Eevee into Glaceon in Pokemon SoulSilver and HeartGold?

u can't u have to level up eevee near snowpoint city in diamond/pearl/platinum and trade into soulsilver and heartgold

How do you get Evee to evolve to galicion?

In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, an Eevee cannot evolve into a Glaceon. You can trade with other trainers from Diamond, Pearl and Platinum to get one.

All the ways to evolve evee in heart gold?

In Pokémon HeartGold, you can only evolve Eevee 5 ways which would be: Using a Fire Stone on an Eevee into to evolve it into a Flareon, use a Thunderstone on Eevee in order to evolve it into a Jolteon, use a Water Stone on Eevee in order to evolve it into a Vaporeon, evolve it into Umbreon via level-up at night (which is between 8PM and 4AM) when it's happy enough and evolve it into Espeon via level-up during the day time. You can also evolve Eevee into Glaceon and Leafeon however evolving Eevee into Glaceon or Leafeon is not possible in "HeartGold" or "SoulSilver," Eevee can only evolve into Glaceon via level-up when it's near the Ice Rock which can only be found in the Sinnoh region near Snowpoint City and Eevee can only evolve into Leafeon when it's near the Moss Rock which can only be found in the Sinnoh region which is in the Eterna Forest.

Why cant you evolve an evee to a Glaceon in HeartGold?

The Icy Rock is not in it, which is needed to evolve an Eevee into a Glaceon.

How do you get a glaceon or leafeon?

Glaceon: To get Glaceon you got to have an evee first then go to a route where in snows most likely stand next to a tree that has snow on it give the evee a rare candy and it should evolve to a Glaceon. Leafeon: To get Leafeon you got to have an evee first then go to a forest EX: Eterna forest then stand to a normal tree give the the evee a rare candy and it should evolve to a Leafeon. NO CHEATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

How do you get a glaceon in HeartGold?

You cannot get Glaceon in Pokémon HeartGold or evolve your Eevee into Glaceon in Pokémon HeartGold, in order for you to have Glaceon in HeartGold, you will need to trade it over from Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl or Pokémon Platinum or you can trade your HeartGold over to Diamond, Pearl or Platinum, evolve it to Glaceon by the Ice Rock that is near Snowpoint City and then trade it back into HeartGold.

How do you evolve Feebas into Milotic in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver versions?

If you get it 8 haircuts/massages and then level it up, it should evolve. Galceon, Leafeon, Megezone, and Probepass must be traded for.

Who does Eevee evolve into?

it evolves into vaporeon , jolteon , flareon , espeon, umbreon, leafeon ,glaceon.