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6922251 times 8 = boob less

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Q: How do you do the Boobless joke?
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69 and 222 and 51 multiple by 8 and it makes boobless

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in naruto shippuden episode 3 when sakura punched the ground she got some boobs.

How do you do the boobless joke on the calculator?

Say “Dolly Parton weighed 69 pounds” (type 69 in) Say “that was 222 much” (type 222 in) Say “she wanted to weigh 51 pounds” (type 51 in) Say “so she went to doctor X” (hit x to multiply) Say “he gave her 8 pills” (type 8 in and hit 🟰 ) Say “and that left her boobless” (turn calculator upside down to see word) 6922251 ✖️ 8 🟰 55378008

What are risky weight lose strategies?

Being Hanna Montana who was 96 pounds and wanted to be 42 pounds so she went the doctors and came out 9 hours later and she was boobless

It can be cracked it can be made it can be told it can be played what is it?

a joke a joke can be cracked a joke can be made a joke can be told a joke can be played

Opposite of serious?

to joke to joke to joke

What is the opposite of not a joke?

Opposite of "not a joke" would be "a joke"

What is the joke with the interrupting cow?

Joke Teller: Knock-knock! Joke Receiver: Who's there? Joke Teller: Interrupting cow. Joke Receiver: Interrupting c-- Joke Teller: Moo!!!! :]

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the answer of the joke

Do people joke because they are a joke?

No, people joke to amuse others.