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Skin turgor is a qualitative assessment of how well hydrated the skin is. Good skin turgor is an indicator of adequate hydration, while poor skin turgor may indicate dehydration.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Typically, one determines skin turgor by "pinching up" a thumb-and-fingerful of skin on the back of the hand and seeing how long it stays tented.

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Q: What is skin turgor?
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Related questions

What is being checked when lightly pinching the skin of the forearm and releasing it?

When lightly pinching the skin of the forearm and releasing it, healthcare providers check for skin turgor. Proper turgor indicates good hydration levels, while poor turgor could suggest dehydration. Skin that takes longer to return to its normal position may indicate dehydration.

How do you assess skin turgor?

You assess skin turgor by pinching a part of the skin. If the skin does not return to normal position within a second it is abnormal. You describe this as +2 or + however many seconds it takes to return to normal.

Which area would be best to test for skin turgor?

The upper chest or back of the hand is the best area to test for skin turgor in adults. These areas have relatively taut skin, making it easier to assess changes in skin elasticity.

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What is poor skin turgor?

Poor skin turgor is a term used by health care workers to describe someone who has lost fluid and are dehydrated. To do this, they grasp the skin on the back of the hand and see how long it takes to resume the normal position.

Animals with what condition will appear more dehydrated than they really are with the skin turgor test?

Animals with very little body fat will appear to be more dehydrated that they actually are when the skin turgor test is used.

Signs and symptoms of fluid deficit?

dry skin,poor skin turgor,sunken eyeball etc..

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Why should skin turgor be checked in patients who are having an asthma attack?

Checking for skin turgor ensures that a patient is not losing fluids or suffering from dehydration. This is important in asthma patients because dehydration can worsen the attack by thickening mucus in the airways.

Skin turgor?

DefinitionSkin turgor is the skin's ability to change shape and return to normal (elasticity).Alternative NamesDoughy skin; Poor skin turgor; Good skin turgor; Decreased skin turgorConsiderationsSkin turgor is a sign commonly used by health care workers to assess the degree of fluid loss or dehydration. Fluid loss can occur from common conditions, such as diarrhea or vomiting. Infants and young children with vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased or no fluid intake can rapidly lose a significant amount of fluid. Fever speeds up this process.To determine skin turgor, the health care provider grasps the skin on the back of the hand, lower arm, or abdomen between two fingers so that it is tented up. The skin is held for a few seconds then released.Skin with normal turgor snaps rapidly back to its normal position. Skin with decreased turgor remains elevated and returns slowly to its normal position.Decreased skin turgor is a late sign in dehydration. It occurs with moderate to severe dehydration. Fluid loss of 5% of the body weight is considered mild dehydration, 10% is moderate, and 15% or more is severe dehydration.Note: Edema (a buildup of fluid in the tissues that causes swelling) causes the skin to be extremely difficult to pinch up.Common CausesDecreased fluid intakeDehydrationDiarrheaDiabetesExtreme weight lossHeat stroke(excessive sweating without enough fluid intake)VomitingConnective tissue disorders, such as scleroderma and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, can also affect the elasticity of the skin. This does not have to do with fluids, but is a change in the elastic properties of the skin tissue.Home CareA quick check of skin turgor by pinching the skin over the back of the hand, on the abdomen, or over the front of the chest under the collarbone is a good way to check for dehydration at home.Mild dehydration will cause the skin to be slightly slow in its return to normal. To rehydrate, drink more fluids -- particularly water.If turgor is severe, indicating moderate or severe dehydration, see your health care provider immediately.Call your health care provider ifPoor skin turgor occurs with vomiting, diarrhea, or fever.During a check of skin turgor the skin is very slow to return to normal, or the skin "tents" up. This can indicate dehydration that is severe enough to require immediate treatment.You have reduced skin turgor and are unable to increase your intake of fluids (for example, because of vomiting).What to expect at your health care provider's officeThe health care provider will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history, including:How long have you had symptoms?What other symptoms came before the change in skin turgor (vomiting, diarrhea, others)?What have you done to try to treat the condition? Did it make it better?Is it getting worse?What other symptoms do you have (such as dry lips, decreased urine output, and decreased tearing)?Tests that may be performed:Blood chemistry(such as a chem-20)CBCUrinalysisIntravenousfluids may be necessary for severe dehydration. You may need medications to treat other conditions that affect skin turgor and elasticity.ReferencesGreenbaum L. Deficit therapy. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 54.Gorgas DL, Barry JD. Vital signs measurement. In: Roberts JR, Hedges JR, eds. Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2009:chap 1.

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What does poor skin turgor indicate?

Decreased fluid intakeDehydrationDiabetesDiabetes insipidusDiarrheaEhler's-Danlos syndromeExtreme weight lossHeat strokeHeat stroke (excessive sweating without enough fluid intake)Polyuric phase of acute tubular necrosisReduced fluid intakeSclerodermaSevere weight lossVomitingSee the link below for more information.