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You can't.

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Q: How do you delete comments off wanelo?
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Related questions

How do you delete your comments off Facebook?

To delete your comments off of Facebook, you can simply click on the three dots that appear to the right of the comment. This will give you the option to delete or edit the comment.

How do you take off approved comments on MySpace?

Go to View -> My Comments and then just check which one you want to delete and then scroll down and click "Delete Selected".

Is the items on wanelo real?

Yes, they are. Wanelo links to retailers websites - you don't buy directly through Wanelo.

How do you hide comments in freindster?

if you log in in your friendster i think you can delete the comments in your friendster but you can't delete the comments in other persons friendster just in yours can be deleted.

Why all comments of my note disappear when i accidentally deleted the post of its on wall?

When you delete a note, you delete the comments associated with it, they are gone.

How do you delete comments in iMobsters?

To delete comments in iMobsters, go to the player's profile. Hit the comment section and you'll see the red button on the top right corner. Push that red button and it'll delete comments.

Can you delete comments on wordpress?

Is it simple, go to comments section in WordPress Admin Dashboard & move the comments to trash

How do you allow only 2 comments on your MySpace?

delete all your comments except for those 2

How do you undelete Comments on msn?

It can be difficult to retrieve a comment on MSN that has been deleted. It may be necessary to contact the webmaster in order to retrieve delete comments. It is best to make sure you actually want to delete a comment before you choose to delete it.

How do you remove comments in the game iMobsters?

To remove(delete) comments, go to your profile. Hit the comment section and you'll see the red button on the top right corner. Press that red button and it'll delete comments on your wall.

Can political candidates delete comments on their social media platforms?

Yes, political candidates can delete comments on their social media platforms as they have control over the content posted on their pages.

Which command clear the comments attached in a cell for reference?

Delete Comment.