In order to defeat Master Chard in Magical Starsign you must a spell strike and light magic. Continue to do this and then perform a reflex guard for a slice kick.
· Cayenne Pepper· Chayote· Cherry· Cherry Tomato· Chile peppers· Cranberry· Cucumber· Cabbage· Carrots· Cassava· Catsear· Cauliflower· Celery· Ceylon Spinach· Chard· Chickpeas· Chinese Artichoke· Chinese Cabbage· Chinese Radish· Chives· Collard Greens· Cos Lettuce (romaine lettuce)Fruit: CoconutVegetable: Corn,Cabbage,Celery,CarrotsVegetable-cabbage fruit-clementime/orangeCornCarrotsCabbageCauliflowerbanana!CarrotCucumberCranberryCherryCoconutCluster figCommon apple-berryClementineCashewCeleryCabbagefor fruit clemetine/orange and for vegetables cabbage so yes there arecarrot, cabbage, cucumbers, cauliflowerCarrot cabbage cucumbers cauliflowerCauliflower cucumbersCoconut.CarrotCucumberCaugetteCressCornCauliflowerCabbagecarrotscelerycranberriescucumberscantaloupeCabbage, carrot, cauliflower, cucumber.Cranberry.cranberrycarrot· Cherry Tomato· Chile peppers· Cranberry· Cucumber· Cabbage· Carrots· Cassava· Catsear· Cauliflower· Celery· Ceylon Spinach· Chard· Chickpeas· Chinese Artichoke· Chinese Cabbage· Chinese Radish· Chives· Collard Greens· Cos Lettuce (romaine lettuce)* Cantaloupe* Cranberry * Cherry * Cauliflower * Cabbage * Carrot For more refer to the Related Question below.· cherry· cranberry· cucumber· cantaloupe· cherry tomato· chile pepper
abort, acari, acerb, acorn, adore, adorn, afars, afire, afore, agars, agers, aggro, agora, alarm, alary, alert, ambry, amirs, amort, andro, angry, antra, antre, apart, apers, apery, aport, avers, avert, award, aware, azure, bairn, barre, beard, bears, beers, beery, berry, biers, birrs, blare, blurb, blurs, blurt, board, boars, boart, boors, bourg, bourn, buhrs, burro, burrs, burry, cadre, caird, cairn, carry, ceorl, chard, chare, chark, charm, charr, chars, chart, chary, chert, chirk, chirm, chiro, chirp, chirr, chiru, chord, chore, churl, churn, churr, cirri, claro, clary, clerk, cobra, coirs, copra, court, cowry, crore, crura, currs, curry, czars, dairy, dears, deary, decry, deers, derry, diary, dobra, dobro, doers, doors, dorrs, doura, dowry, durra, durrs, dwarf, dyers, eagre, egers, emery, emirs, enorm, entry, enure, evert, every, ewers, exert, extra, exurb, eyers, faery, fairs, fairy, fears, ferry, fiars, fibre, fiery, fiord, firry, fjord, flare, flirs, flirt, flora, fours, frere, frore, furry, gaurs, gears, genre, genro, glare, glary, glory, gnarl, gnarr, gnars, goers, gourd, guard, guars, guiro, gurry, haars, hairs, hairy, harry, heard, hears, heart, heirs, henry, herry, hijra, hoard, hoars, hoary, hoers, houri, hours, hurry, hydra, hydro, inarm, indri, inert, infra, intro, inure, inurn, ivory, ixora, izars, jagra, jeers, jerry, kauri, kaury, kbars, keirs, kerry, kiers, knars, knurl, knurs, kukri, kyars, labra, laird, lairs, laura, learn, lears, leary, leers, leery, lehrs, liard, liars, libra, libri, liers, litre, livre, lorry, lours, loury, lucre, lyard, lyart, lycra, maars, macro, madre, mairs, marry, mbira, merry, metre, metro, micra, micro, mikra, mitre, moira, moire, moors, moory, morro, mourn, mucro, mudra, murra, murre, murrs, murry, myrrh, nacre, naira, nairu, nears, nitre, nitro, ochre, ochry, odors, ombre, omers, onery, opera, outre, ovary, overs, overt, oyers, padre, padri, pairs, parrs, parry, pearl, pears, peart, pedro, peers, peery, perry, piers, poori, pours, purrs, quare, quark, quart, quern, query, quire, quirk, quirt, rearm, rears, redry, refry, repro, retro, retry, roars, ruers, sabra, sabre, sacra, saury, scare, scarf, scarp, scars, scart, scary, score, scorn, scurf, sears, seers, serry, shard, share, shark, sharn, sharp, sherd, shire, shirk, shirr, shirt, shore, shorl, shorn, short, sirra, skirl, skirr, skirt, skort, slurb, slurp, slurs, smarm, smart, smerk, smirk, snare, snarf, snark, snarl, snore, snort, soars, sorry, sours, spare, spark, spars, sperm, spire, spirt, spiry, spore, sport, spurn, spurs, spurt, stare, stark, stars, start, stere, stern, stirk, stirp, stirs, store, stork, storm, story, sturt, sucre, suers, supra, surra, sutra, sward, sware, swarf, swarm, swart, swirl, sword, swore, sworn, tahrs, tarre, tarry, tears, teary, terra, terry, tetra, tetri, tharm, there, therm, third, thirl, thorn, thoro, thorp, thurl, tiara, tiers, titre, torrs, tours, tsars, twerp, twirl, twirp, tzars, ultra, umbra, unarm, unary, updry, urare, urari, users, usurp, usury, uteri, vairs, veers, veery, viers, wairs, wears, weary, weird, weirs, wharf, where, whirl, whirr, whirs, whore, whorl, whort, wirra, worry, yaird, yearn, years, yirrs, yourn, yours, zaire, zebra463 words
3-letter words ace, aid, ain, air, and, ane, ani, arc, are, arf, ark, cad, can, car, cee, chi, dah, dak, dee, dei, den, die, din, ear, edh, eke, end, era, ere, ern, fad, fan, far, fed, fee, feh, fen, fer, fid, fie, fin, fir, had, hae, hah, heh, hen, her, hic, hid, hie, hin, ice, ich, ick, ink, ire, irk, kae, kaf, kea, kef, ken, khi, kid, kif, kin, kir, nae, nah, nee, rad, rah, ran, rec, red, ree, ref, rei, ria, rid, rif, rin 4-letter words aced, ache, acid, acne, acre, aide, airn, akee, akin, ankh, arch, arid, cade, cadi, cafe, caid, cain, cake, cane, card, care, cark, carn, cede, cedi, cere, chad, char, chef, chia, chid, chin, cine, cire, dace, dank, dare, dark, darn, deaf, dean, dear, deck, deer, defi, deke, dene, dere, dhak, dice, dick, dike, dine, dink, dire, dirk, dree, drek, each, earn, eche, eide, eked, erne, face, fade, fain, fair, fake, fane, fard, fare, fear, feck, feed, fend, fere, fern, fiar, fice, find, fine, fink, fire, firn, frae, free, hack, hade, haed, haen, haik, hair, hake, hand, hank, hard, hare, hark, head, hear, heck, heed, heir, herd, here, hern, hick, hide, hied, hike, hind, hire, iced, idea, inch, ired, kadi, kaif, kain, kane, karn, keef, keen, keir, kerf, kern, khaf, khan, kief, kier, kina, kind, kine, kirn, knar, knee, naif, narc, nard, nark, near, neck, need, neif, nerd, nice, nick, nide, race, rack, raid, rain, rake, raki, rand, rani, rank, read, reck, rede, reed, reef, reek, reif, rein, rend, rhea, rice, rich, rick, ride, rife, rind, rink 5-letter words ached, ackee, acned, acred, acrid, aerie, afire, aider, aired, akene, arced, areic, cadre, caird, cairn, caked, caned, caner, canid, cared, cedar, ceder, cered, ceria, chafe, chain, chair, chard, chare, chark, cheek, cheer, chide, chief, china, chine, chink, chirk, cider, crake, crane, crank, creak, creed, creek, cried, dance, daric, deair, decaf, defer, deice, dicer, diene, diker, dinar, diner, drain, drake, drank, dreck, drink, eared, eched, eider, ender, erica, faced, facer, fader, faked, faker, fakir, farce, farci, fared, fence, feria, fiche, fiend, finch, fined, finer, fired, franc, frank, freak, freed, frena, fried, hacek, hance, hared, heard, heder, hence, hider, hiked, hiker, hired, icker, infer, infra, inked, inker, irade, irked, kafir, kefir, kenaf, kench, kerne, khadi, kheda, knead, kneed, knife, nacre, nadir, naked, naric, nicad, nicer, niche, niece, raced, raked, rakee, rance, ranch, ranee, ranid, reach, redan, redia, refed, reink, riced 6-letter words achene, achier, adhere, aedine, aeried, arched, arcked, cahier, cakier, canker, careen, caried, carked, carnie, cedarn, chadri, chafed, chafer, chaine, chared, cheder, chider, chined, cinder, craned, dacker, daiker, dancer, danker, darken, deafen, deafer, dearie, decane, decare, decern, decker, deface, defier, define, deicer, dekare, denier, dicker, dreich, drench, earned, echard, edenic, endear, enface, enrich, faerie, fainer, faired, fakeer, farced, farcie, feared, fenced, fencer, fender, feriae, ferine, fiacre, fiance, fierce, finder, finked, french, friend, hacked, hackee, hacker, hackie, haired, hanked, hanker, hankie, harden, harked, harken, header, heifer, heired, herdic, herein, hernia, hinder, inarch, inched, infare, inhere, kerfed, kerned, khedah, kinder, kirned, knifed, knifer, nacred, narked, neared, necked, necker, nereid, niched, nicked, nicker, racked, rained, rancid, ranked, recane, recked, redfin, rediae, reface, refind, refine, reined, richen, ricked 7-letter words archine, cairned, chained, chaired, charked, chiefer, chinked, chirked, cranked, creaked, deciare, defacer, definer, echidna, endarch, enfaced, faciend, faience, fancied, fancier, fiancee, franked, freaked, handier, headier, hearken, herniae, inhered, kneader, nakeder, ranched, reached, recaned, refaced, refined, reinked 8-letter words cankered, dakerhen, defiance, echidnae, enriched, freehand, frenched, hankered, harkened, inarched, kerchief, nickered, richened 9-letter words archfiend, friedcake
Five (5) letter words that end with d: aahed. ached. acned. acold. acred. acrid. acted. added. ahead. ahold. aided. ailed. aimed. aired. aland. alcid. algid. alkyd. allod. almud. aloud. amend. anted. aphid. arced. armed. aroid. ashed. asked. assed. audad. avoid. award. awned. axled. baaed. baked. baled. baned. bared. based. bated. bayed. beard. bided. bield. bifid. biked. biped. bipod. bland. bleed. blend. blind. blond. blood. blued. board. boded. boned. booed. bored. bound. bovid. bowed. boxed. braid. brand. bread. breed. broad. brood. build. bused. caged. caird. caked. caned. canid. caped. cared. cased. cauld. caved. cawed. cebid. ceded. cered. chard. child. chord. cited. cloud. clued. coded. coked. coled. coned. cooed. coped. cored. coted. could. coved. cowed. coxed. coyed. creed. cried. crowd. cubed. cupid. cured. cycad. dared. dated. dawed. dazed. deked. deled. dewed. diced. diked. dined. dived. doled. domed. doped. dosed. doted. dowed. dozed. dread. dreed. dried. droid. druid. dryad. duded. duked. duped. dured. dyked. eared. eased. eaved. ebbed. eched. edged. egged. eland. embed. emend. ended. ephod. equid. erred. faced. faded. faked. famed. farad. fared. fated. fauld. faxed. fayed. fazed. felid. feted. fetid. feued. field. fiend. fifed. filed. fined. fiord. fired. fixed. fjeld. fjord. flied. flood. flued. fluid. found. foxed. fraud. freed. fremd. fried. frond. fumed. fused. fuzed. gadid. gaged. gamed. gaped. gated. gazed. gelid. geoid. gibed. gland. gleed. glued. gonad. gored. gourd. grand. greed. grind. guard. guild. guyed. gybed. gyred. gyved. haded. haled. halid. hared. hated. hawed. hayed. hazed. heard. hewed. hexad. hexed. hided. hiked. hired. hived. hoard. hodad. hoked. holed. homed. honed. hoped. hosed. hound. humid. hyoid. hyped. idled. iliad. imbed. imped. inked. inned. iodid. irked. isled. ivied. jaded. japed. jawed. jehad. jerid. jewed. jibed. jihad. jived. joked. jowed. joyed. juked. keyed. kited. knead. kneed. laced. laded. laird. laked. lamed. lased. lated. laved. lawed. layed. lazed. liard. liked. limed. lined. lipid. lived. livid. lobed. looed. loped. loved. lowed. loxed. lubed. lucid. luged. lured. lurid. luted. lyard. lysed. maced. maned. mated. maund. mawed. mayed. mazed. menad. meted. mewed. miked. mimed. mined. mired. mixed. monad. mooed. moped. mould. mound. moved. mowed. mucid. muled. mured. murid. mused. muted. myoid. mysid. naiad. naked. naled. named. nicad. nided. nitid. nixed. nomad. nosed. noted. nuked. oared. octad. offed. ogled. oiled. oohed. ootid. oozed. opted. orbed. oread. outed. ovoid. owned. paced. paged. pagod. paled. paned. pared. pated. paved. pavid. pawed. payed. piked. piled. pined. piped. plaid. plead. plied. poind. poked. poled. pored. posed. pound. poxed. preed. pried. proud. pseud. puked. puled. pyoid. rabid. raced. raged. raked. ranid. raped. rapid. rared. rased. rated. raved. raxed. rayed. razed. readd. rebid. reded. redid. refed. resid. resod. rewed. riced. rigid. riled. rimed. riped. rived. robed. roped. rosed. round. roved. rowed. ruled. ryked. sabed. salad. saned. sapid. sarod. sated. saved. sawed. sayid. scald. scend. scold. scrod. sered. sewed. sexed. shard. shend. sherd. shied. shoed. shred. sided. siped. sired. sited. sized. skald. skeed. skied. skyed. sloid. slojd. sloyd. slued. snood. soled. solid. sound. sowed. spaed. speed. spend. spied. spued. squad. squid. staid. stand. stead. steed. stied. stood. styed. sward. sword. synod. tabid. tamed. taped. tared. tawed. taxed. teiid. teind. tepid. tewed. third. tided. tiled. timed. timid. tined. tired. toked. toled. toned. toped. toted. towed. toyed. tread. treed. trend. triad. tried. trued. tsked. tubed. tumid. tuned. tweed. tyned. typed. tyred. ulnad. umped. unbid. undid. unfed. unled. unwed. upend. upped. urged. valid. vaned. vapid. vexed. viand. viced. vined. virid. vised. vivid. voled. voted. vowed. waded. waged. waked. waled. waned. wared. waved. waxed. weald. weird. wield. wifed. wiled. wined. wiped. wired. wised. wited. wived. woald. wooed. world. would. wound. wowed. wried. wyled. wyted. yaird. yauld. yawed. yield. yoked. yowed. zoned. zooid.
ANSWERchipmunk. Christmas. Champion.ANSWERSome words that start with ch;three (3) letter word:chi.four (4) letter word:chad. cham. chao. chap. char. chat. chaw. chay.five (5) letter word:chads. chafe. chaff. chain. chair. chalk. champ. chams. chang. chant. chaos. chape. chaps. chapt. chard. chare. chark. charm. charr. chars. chart. chary. chase. chasm. chats. chaws. chays. cheap. cheat. check. cheek. cheep. cheer. chefs. chela. chemo. chert. chess. chest. cheth. chevy. chews. chewy. chiao. chias. chick. chico. chics. chide. chief. chiel. child. chile. chili. chill. chimb. chime. chimp. china. chine. chink. chino. chins. chips. chirk. chirm. chiro. chirp. chirr. chits. chive. chivy. chock. choir. choke. choky. cholo. chomp. chook. chops. chord. chore. chose. chott. chows. chubs. chuck. chufa. chuff. chugs. chump. chums. chunk. churl. churn. churr. chute. chyle. chyme.six (6) letter word:chabuk. chacma. chadar. chador. chadri. chaeta. chafed. chafer. chafes. chaffs. chaffy. chaine. chains. chairs. chaise. chakra. chalah. chaleh. chalet. chalks. chalky. challa. chally. chalot. chammy. champs. champy. chance. chancy. change. changs. chants. chanty. chapel. chapes. charas. chards. chared. chares. charge. charka. charks. charms. charro. charrs. charry. charts. chased. chaser. chases. chasms. chasmy. chasse. chaste. chatty. chaunt. chawed. chawer. chazan. cheapo. cheaps. cheats. chebec. checks. cheder. cheeks. cheeky. cheeps. cheero. cheers. cheery. cheese. cheesy. chegoe. chelae. chelas. chemic. chemos. cheque. cherry. cherts. cherty. cherub. chests. chesty. chetah. cheths. chevre. chewed. chewer. chiasm. chiaus. chicer. chichi. chicks. chicle. chicly. chicos. chided. chider. chides. chiefs. chield. chiels. chigoe. childe. chiles. chilis. chilli. chills. chilly. chimar. chimbs. chimed. chimer. chimes. chimla. chimps. chinas. chinch. chined. chines. chinks. chinky. chinos. chints. chintz. chippy. chiral. chirks. chirms. chiros. chirps. chirpy. chirre. chirrs. chisel. chital. chitin. chiton. chitty. chives. chivvy. choana. chocks. choice. choirs. choked. choker. chokes. chokey. choler. cholla. cholos. chomps. chooks. choose. choosy. chopin. choppy. choral. chords. chorea. chored. chores. choric. chorus. chosen. choses. chotts. chough. chouse. choush. chowed. chowse. chrism. chroma. chrome. chromo. chubby. chucks. chucky. chufas. chuffs. chuffy. chukar. chukka. chummy. chumps. chunks. chunky. church. churls. churns. churrs. chuted. chutes. chyles. chymes. (7) letter word:chablis. chabouk. chabuks. chacmas. chadars. chadors. chaetae. chaetal. chafers. chaffed. chaffer. chafing. chagrin. chained. chaines. chaired. chaises. chakras. chalahs. chalaza. chalcid. chalehs. chalets. chalice. chalked. challah. challas. challie. challis. challot. chalone. chaloth. chalutz. chamade. chamber. chamfer. chamise. chamiso. chamois. chamoix. champac. champak. champed. champer. chanced. chancel. chances. chancre. changed. changer. changes. channel. chanson. chanted. chanter. chantey. chantor. chantry. chaoses. chaotic. chapati. chapeau. chapels. chaplet. chapman. chapmen. chapped. chapter. charade. charged. charger. charges. charier. charily. charing. chariot. charism. charity. charkas. charked. charkha. charley. charlie. charmed. charmer. charnel. charpai. charpoy. charqui. charred. charros. charted. charter. chasers. chasing. chasmal. chasmed. chasmic. chassed. chasses. chassis. chasten. chaster. chateau. chatted. chattel. chatter. chaufer. chaunts. chawers. chawing. chayote. chazans. chazzan. chazzen. cheapen. cheaper. cheapie. cheaply. cheapos. cheated. cheater. chebecs. checked. checker. checkup. cheddar. cheders. chedite. cheeked. cheeped. cheeper. cheered. cheerer. cheerio. cheerly. cheeros. cheesed. cheeses. cheetah. chefdom. cheffed. chegoes. chelate. cheloid. chemics. chemise. chemism. chemist. chequer. cheques. cherish. cheroot. cherubs. chervil. chesses. chested. chetahs. chetrum. chevied. chevies. cheviot. chevres. chevron. chewers. chewier. chewing. chewink. chiasma. chiasmi. chiasms. chibouk. chicane. chicano. chicest. chichis. chickee. chicken. chicles. chicory. chidden. chiders. chiding. chiefer. chiefly. chields. chiffon. chigger. chignon. chigoes. childes. childly. chiliad. chilies. chilled. chiller. chillum. chimars. chimbly. chimera. chimere. chimers. chiming. chimlas. chimley. chimney. chinchy. chining. chinked. chinned. chinone. chinook. chintzy. chipped. chipper. chippie. chirked. chirker. chirmed. chirped. chirper. chirred. chirres. chirrup. chisels. chitals. chitins. chitlin. chitons. chitter. chivari. chivied. chivies. chlamys. chloral. chloric. chlorid. chlorin. choanae. chocked. choicer. choices. choired. chokers. chokier. choking. cholate. cholent. cholera. cholers. choline. chollas. chomped. chomper. chooser. chooses. choosey. chopine. chopins. chopped. chopper. choragi. chorale. chorals. chordal. chorded. choreal. choreas. choregi. choreic. chorial. chorine. choring. chorion. chorizo. choroid. chortle. choughs. choused. chouser. chouses. chowder. chowing. chowsed. chowses. chrisma. chrisms. chrisom. christy. chromas. chromed. chromes. chromic. chromos. chromyl. chronic. chronon. chucked. chuckle. chuddah. chuddar. chudder. chuffed. chuffer. chugged. chugger. chukars. chukkar. chukkas. chukker. chummed. chumped. chunked. chunter. churchy. churned. churner. churred. chuting. chutist. chutnee. chutney. chutzpa. chylous. chymics. chymist. chymous.
I would suggest that when you start your game, use light magic because it will help with alot of battles especially master kale and master chard and you should also level up before you fight him.
First after you get to the town on Cassia and meet the space police officers at the front, you need to go to a house. After finding Det. Beignet, he will ask you if you will join his plan. Say yes and go outside. You then need to exit out of the left side of the village and defeat Chard and 3 pirates. After that use the fire person's sign and you can get it.
swiss chard
Chard in Tagalog is "silimuks.
swiss Chard
Swiss chard is called "Sebje ka Patta" in Hindi.
Chard Museum was created in 1970.
William Chard was born in 1812.
William Chard died in 1877.
Danny Chard was born in 1980.
Chard Hogan is 5' 11".
Georgie Chard is 15 years old.