The way you deal with people with Alzhiemer depends on the degree of their disease. The best way to deal with them is with patients, they can not help the things they say and do.
I did know, but I cant remember
Sadly, yes.
Alzheimer's is a form of dementia and is not transmitted or contagious.
Alzheimer's Disese is where your brain is getting eatin away by a disese. You loose your memory, your common sense, and you normal life. Most people that have it live in an instatution. The heve HUGE mood swings. Its really sad!!!
Alzheimer's disease affects memory while Parkinson's disease affects movement.
On December 17, 2013, Ted Harrison is still alive. His wife died from Alzhiemer disease in 2000.
The people say the deal or no deal due to it being a tv show. People use info they know to respond to unique questiosn to gain access to more money options.
Economic system are created by people to deal with the problem of?
To deal with overly proud people, simply ignore them especially in public places.
Veterinarians basically provide medical services to clients for their pets, so they primarily deal with people.