First you go on the "Account" tab and then to "Account Settings" and then change your name thing...(:
If this doesn't work then...make a new facebook? With the correct spelling of your name.
That is the correct spelling of "misspelled" (i.e. it is not misspelled).
Misspelled is the correct spelling.
Both are correct - 'misspoke' and 'misspelled'.
Yes, the correct spelling is "investigate".
The correct spelling is bestiality. It is one of the most commonly misspelled words.
Misspelled Facebook Page name can be changed now, but the page should not have more than 100 members. Fore more details refer this article:
That is the correct spelling of "misspelled" (i.e. it is not misspelled).
That is the correct spelling of "misspelled" (i.e. it is not misspelled).
It can be spelt as 'misspelled' or 'misspelt'. Both are correct.
pay bribe ( the only option)
in the book we can note lots of matter so facebook is a correct website and it is used to chat in web cams also so thats y the facebook is the correct name for it
Yes, she went to her grave as Gabrielle Bonheur Chasnel because to correct legally the misspelled name on her birth certificate would reveal that she was born in a poorhouse hospice
Yes, "iliterate" is misspelled. The correct spelling is "illiterate."
"Filippines" is misspelled, the correct spelling is "Philippines."
Talahassee is misspelled; it's correct spelling is Tallahassee.
Complain at the office where you got the passport, and show them your birth certificate or other id which has your correct name.
The misspelled word is "changable." The correct spelling is "changeable."