Earl Hamner Jr. was born on July 10, 1923.
Evidently Earl Hamner is still alive and is 88-89 years old as of this year 2012.
Cully Hamner was born in 1969.
Doris Hamner died on August 31, 1990, in Schuyler, Virginia, USA of Alzheimer's disease.
Robert Hamner died on April 25, 1996, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Earl Hamner Jr. was born on July 10, 1923
Earl Hamner Jr. was born on July 10, 1923.
Earl Hamner Jr. was born on July 10, 1923.
Evidently Earl Hamner is still alive and is 88-89 years old as of this year 2012.
Earl Hamner Jr. was 92 years old when he died on March 24, 2016 (birthdate: July 10, 1923).
no, earl hamner sr. dad had polio
Earl Hammer. It was based on his real life experiences.
The Waltons
Earl Hamner wanted to have a role for all eight children. I believe it was CBS who said they only wanted seven children. Eric Scott (Ben) is actually portraying a mix of two of Earl's brothers.
Erin is older. I always thought Ben was, but it turns out Erin is. Earl Hamner confirmed it.
The Walton's