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Well, boys are "hard to figure out" just laugh at his jokes and go with it! Don't say you like their clothes or hair cuz they'll probably think ur gay :/

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Q: How do you complement a 5th grade guy?
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you dont

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You shouldn't have to worry about guys and dating when your in the 5th grade.

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Start flirting with him!

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Hey umm.. your one of the nicest girl i have ever met and i kinda like you

How does a 5th grade guy get a girl to like him if the girl hates him?

Move on, there are many fish in the sea.

What does it mean when guy friend keeps flirt with you?

That means he likes you possibly. My guy friend flirted with me sometimes in 5th grade, I flirted back.

Should an 8th grade guy date a 5th grade girl?

no,hes mature and she not yet.and what r they gonna do?? they cant go on actual dates

What to do if you like a guy and he likes you back even if you are in 5th grade?

you just hang out i guess :) good luck ;)

How does a guy flir t with a girl he likes?

the guy should complement the girl

What is the grade you have to get to pass the 5th grade?

you have to be in 4th grade to pass to 5th