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When you purchase a firearm from a dealer, they phone your information in to NICS. NICS conducts a background check on you, and determines if the sale will proceed or be declined.

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Q: How do you check your background for gun purchase?
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Related questions

Is a background check required to shoot at a gun range in Virginia?

No. A background check is required to purchase a firearm from a dealer. If you are renting a firearm to use at a range, they may choose to run a background check.

What do you have to do to get a gun?

Be the right age and have the money to buy the gun, pass a background check, and be responsible!!!!!! --- There are no background checks required to purchase guns from individuals in the majority of states. And if one has a concealed-carry license they can avoid the federal NICS background check when purchasing a firearm from FFL dealers.

Can you find out when background checks were done when you bought a gun?

Any time you purchase a firearm from a dealer, Federal law requires that the dealer must run a background check at that time. The exception is that certain states issue a concealed weapons license that ALSO requires a background check- proof of licensing takes the place of a background check. So if you bought a gun from a dealer, you have had a background check made.

Is a background check required to buy a clip for a gun?

No. However, if you cannot pass a background check, it is illegal for you to possess a gun or ammunition for a gun.

Are all gun retailers required to do a background check before selling a gun to the purchaser of a gun?

Yes, with the exception of some people that have a type of gun license where they have already had a background check.Yes. With the exception of people that have already had a background check, all dealers are required by Federal law to conduct a background check.

Are there restrictions on buying a gun at a pawn shop in California?

In order to purchase a gun you do need to pass a background check. In a number of states you are also required to carry a permit.

What states can i buy a gun without a permit and a background check?

Most states do not require a permit to purchase a firearm. However, ALL states require that you have a background check when you purchase a firearm from a dealer. This has been Federal law for several years (and yes, it DOES include a purchase at a gun show, no matter what you may have read).Having said that, if you cannot pass a background check, it is illegal for you to possess a firearm in any state. The penalty for that starts at 5 years in a Federal prison, no probation, no parole, and the food sucks. Think about that.

What charges wont allow you to purchase a firearm?

drugs felons warrats the basics but anything that sticks onto your background check you can say your gun rights goodbye

Why do you have to have a gun background check?

In the US, it is illegal for some people to own a gun- convicted felons, persons that are mentally incompetent, etc. The background check is to insure that you are not a prohibited person.

What is the number to the gun background check?

You have to have an account for it to do you any good.

If handgun purchase from Oklahoma dealer is denied can it be purchased legally at a gun show?

It depends, but generally, the answer is no. If you failed a background check, you are a prohibited person. You could probably buy a handgun at a gun show, but it wouldn't be legal.

Can a 19 years old can buy a gun?

Provided you can pass the criminal background check and any other requirements, yes, you can purchase a rifle or shotgun. At 19, you cannot purchase handguns or NFA licensed firearms.