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You can go on the app and on the me page under your points and such you should see a button that says change photo. Then pick apicture from your library or take one.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Touch the photo. You can then change the photo to anything in your photo library.

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12y ago

I don't think you can

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12y ago

yes ,by using my account in facebook

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Q: How do you change your game center picture?
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Can You put A picture on game center?


How do you add a profile picture to game center?

Log in to game CENTER and click on the photo icon then choose either to take a picture or take one from your photo library.

How do you change your profile pic on Disney create?

If you go under "Games" and click a game (any game), on the right side of the screen it will show your username, profile pic, ect, it should say "change your picture" or "change your profile pic" (you get the point), it should bring up a thing (if the game hasn't loaded yet the game will be over the profile picture selection but if it does just click change your profile picture again) and you can scroll through the pictures and just click the picture you want.

Can you change your name on street fighter IV volt?

Yes. Sfiv volt took game center nickname, that means you have to change your game center nickname, then REOPEN sfiv volt.

How high do you hang a picture?

57" above the finished floor to the center of the picture. Measure from the picture center to the hanger and add that to the 57".

How do you change the background of your game on roblox?

The picture of your place that shows on the place is the point the camera is pointed at when you upload the place. To change it, simply make sure when you upload the place that your camera is showing what you want the cover picture of your place to be. All of the humanoid text will appear in the picture; GUIs will not appear in the picture.

When was Pickford Center for Motion Picture Study created?

Pickford Center for Motion Picture Study was created in 2003.

How do you open the other account on Clash of Clans?

Change your game center or google play account.

How can you center the picture on your MySpace profile?

<center> put your pic code here </center>

How do I change my picture on this app answers lol?

You can change your picture on by clicking on the picture and following the onscreen prompts.

How do you change your picture on Facebook?

You put your mouse on the old picture on the top right corner and click change picture

How do you change your default picture on facebook?

Go to your profile, and then hover over your picture. Then click change profile picture.