Which fuse is blowing? Yamaha XV250 Virago Manual Cyclepedia.com
21 horsepower
21 hp
1,5 l
Your 1988 Yamaha Virago 250 pours oil from the crankcase vent hose because of a disconnected crankcase vent line.
how many gears does a 1995 Yamaha Virago 250 have? And is there anywhere I could look at a picture diagram of what need to take place in order to shift from gear to gear?
should be 3 to 4 cm
It should be on the left under the gear change, it'll probably be like a little bolt.
7.2 ft lbs as per the Yamaha repair manual
.028 to .032 .028 to .032
When changing the oil in a Yamaha Virago 250, it depends on the engine size as to how much oil to put in. If it is a 1.4L only 0.36 gallons of oil are needed. However, if it is a 2L then 0.52 gallons are necessary. Do not overflow the reservoir.
The 250 virago holds 1.9 quarts of oil total. This includes the oil in the filter. The system holds 1.5 quarts not including filter.