You'll need to transfer it to the Transfer Lab or trade for it.
It cannot be caught in the wild.
You can't catch it in Black, but you can catch it in White. In the White Forest.
not catch but by Pokemon transfer or the Dreamworld
You can not catch any of them in black or white, but I think that you can catch all 3 in diamond.
you have to get in Pokemon white
white forest
You can't directly catch Luxray in HeartGold; you have to evolve Luxio. He can be found in the Safari Zone.
there is no such thing as lvl X in the Pokemon games
You cannot catch Hydreigon on Pokemon White.
you can not catch graveler on Pokemon white Sorry:):):):)
You can't catch celebi in pokemon white.
You can not catch Braviary. You have to catch Rufflet in Pokemon White and evolve it.
yes luxray is cool
No, you cannot catch Darkrai in Pokemon White.
In Pokemon black you catch RESHIRAM and TORNADUS In Pokemon white you catch ZEKROM and THUNDERUS Sources : myself
evolve a shinx, which evolves in a luxio, at level 30, that luxio evolves into luxray, you cannot catch him wild
No, it is exclusive to Pokemon White. Where you would catch Rufflet in White, you catch Vullaby in Black.
You cannot catch Reshiram in Pokemon White, because it's exclusive to Pokemon Black.