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you cant catch it, u have to evolve a FEMALE snorunt with a dawn stone. it has to be female. A male will turn into glalie.

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Q: How do you catch a frosslass on pearl?
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How do you catch frosslas on pearl?

You don't catch frosslass. You evolve a girl snorunt into frosslass. You need to use a Dawn stone on it. (it mite be a shiny stone) Boy snorunts evolve at lv. 42. You can find snorunts on route 216, route 217, and Lake Acuity with the poke rader.

What is the dawn stone for on Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum?

its a type of stone to evlove gardivoir to gallade and snornut to frosslass

What POKeMON evolves from the dawn stone in Pokemon Pearl?

A dawn stone will evolve a male kirlia and a snowrunt into a frosslass

What Pokemon evolve by using a dawn stone in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Kirlia (male) Evolves to Gallade and Snorunt (female) Evolves to Frosslass.

Can you catch syther in Pokemon Pearl?

NO you cant catch syther in Pokemon pearl

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You can't catch a charizard in pokemon pearl.

Can you catch cyindiquil on Pokemon pearl?

No, you cannot catch Cyndaquil in Pokémon Pearl.

Is Pokemon Pearl better the diamond?

neither of them is better, they are both the same, but in diamond, you catch dialga, and in pearl, you catch palkia, and you can catch different Pokemon in each game for example: you can catch this Pokemon in diamond, but not pearl but: you can catch this different Pokemon in pearl, but not diamond

What rare Ice-type Pokemon are in Pokemon Pearl?

Glaceon and Frosslass are the only non-legendary Pokemon that you have to do something special to obtain. Glaceon evolves from Eevee when it is leveled up next to the Ice Rock in Route 217. Frosslass evolves from a female Snorunt when a Dawn Stone is used on it.

Can you catch a dioxies in Pokemon Pearl?

you can certainly catch Dioxies in the game Pokemon pearl

Can you catch Palkia in diamond and catch Dialga in pearl?

You cannot catch palkia in diamond and dialga in pearl but you can catch both of them in Pokemon platinum

Where can you find larvitar in pearl?

you can not catch it in pearl but u can catch bagon in pearl