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We have 4 new dwarfs. There were 7 but the mother ate 3 (either due to them being ill or not being able to feed all 7). We left them alone for 12 days and then moved them gently to a smaller cage to clean. Keep lots of food and clean water for mother (she is nursing). Today we let them out on a towel to walk for a minute and to let them know who we are. We put them back in a clean cage with soft bedding and mother to nurture and feed. At 4-5 weeks we will check the sex an separate the boys from the girls so we do not have another litter. Immediately after the birth we took the father away. (females can get pregnant within 24 hours of giving birth and can nurse one litter while being pregnant with another). If she does have another litter within 18-20 days we will take the current litter out immediately.

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17y ago

You don't the mother will do all the work (unless you mean like if the mother died) To clean the cage of a mother and new babies take the mother out 1st and put her in whatever you normally do to clean out the cage, then take a paper towel and gently pick up each baby with it (as to avoid getting your scent on them) and place them in a small box or container of some sort, then clean out the cage and put the babies back 1st (with the paper towel or just slide them out of the container then put momma back. Chances are she'll carry one all over the cage and finally place it somewhere and bring the rest.

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13y ago

to take care of a baby hamster it depends on the breed

with drawf hamsters you have to separate the mom fromm the baby about a week after birth or the mom will eat the babies then i would make some hamster milk and feed it to the babies from a hamster water bottle u have to keep a close eye on the babies

for most other babies you can keep them with the mom until 4 weeks unless the mom is eating them or abusing them then you will have to do what you did for the drawfs at 4 weeks the babies can take care of themselves u can keep the babies in the same cage since they already know each other but if they start fighting then u can try just putting males with males and females with females if that doesn't work then just separate them all or give some fr sell they should get along pretty well

do NOT try this with the drawfs after 4 weeks they HAVE to be sepperated or they will eat each other. once the babies are 4 weeks then you can start giving them normal hamster food i would look for the small food for them you can also feed them a little baby food now and then but don't do it all the time and only give them a little at a time. don't give them anything with high sugar,fat or calories it isn't good for them. once the babies are born you cannot have the dad in the same cage as the mom the dad will eat the babies. the babies will sleep alot they are relly active when they are awake. mine likes to roll in his ball alot.

if the mom dies then you will have to take care of the babies yourself like i said about the drawfs. this will have to happen until the babies are 4 weeks.

i don't know what else there is to say but if i missed anything just mail me at with the question and ill do my best to answer it if i don't know it i will serch it and give you the site to check out i hope this answer was helpfull.

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13y ago

The best thing you can do is just leave the job to the mother. If you do not take the father out right away he will eat them! Whatever you do, do not ever touch the new Born's. If you do the mother will eat them or abandon them! they will be ready to leave their mother around 4-6 weeks.

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13y ago

NEVER touch the four week old hamster as once the smell on ur hands is permant on the hamster its parents will not touch it or feed it the worst is they will eat their own off-spring.

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How do you make your new hamster feel welcome in your house?

All you have to do is to feed it, take care for it, and give it a welcome home.

How many hamster will there be in a new litter?

Around 4-8. Take good care because they ae fragile and die easily. Also do not be surprised if there are a few babies born dead. Hamsters have a tendency for miscarriage.

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Take care of new born babies.

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no your hamster is fine just clean the cage and take care of the new ones?oh and disinfect the cage before you romaine the other hamsters

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they take care of new Born Babbie's

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the cat or the dog taking care of it for you

What to do when you get a new hamster?

When you get a new hamster, make sure to set up its cage with bedding, food, water, and a wheel for exercise. Provide plenty of hiding spots and toys for enrichment. Allow your hamster time to adjust to its new environment by limiting handling initially and gradually building trust through gentle interactions and feeding treats. Regularly clean the cage and monitor your hamster's health and behavior.

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fish for food to their new born baby penguins or take care of the new born penguins

How do you get friendly with a hamster?

if you just got a new hamster leave it alone for about a week, then you can start to put your hand in the cage and let him smell you. slowly you can put treats in your hand and if it trusts you it will crawl on to your hand and take it...even if your hamster is not new this is a good way for your hamster to trust you, and become friendly

How do you take care of a new born baby?

my friend and i think that if you take care of a new born baby you have to feed them what the doctor told you to feed her and give her the proper loving care/tlc(tender loving care).you should also spend time with her and never forget about her.TIP- always wath her when she is in the bathtub or anywhere else so she doesn't get kidnapped,bump her head or die. that is what we think.

What happen if the mother eat her new born baby hamster?

it willcome out the other end

What happens if you touch a new bornn baby hamster?

Its not advised to touch a new born baby hamster as the mother can be very protective.