Press the plus (+) button. Then, enter Ireland's country code (353). Finally, enter the phone number as you would from Ireland.
Yes, this is right, you have to press + then std code, and number in last too.
00353 is the international access code for Ireland. Mobile phone numbers in Ireland start with 083, 085, 086 or 087. 084 is not used. Dial 00353 and then leaving out the initial 0 from the mobile phone code, dial the rest of the number. So if the number of the mobile was 087999 9999 you would dial 00353 87999 9999.
To call any number in the UK from any GSM mobile phone in the world, replace the trunk prefix 0 of the UK number with the country code +44.
For example, the fictitious UK mobile number 07700 900123 becomes +447700900123. On a GSM phone, enter that number, including the plus sign. On a non-GSM mobile, or from a landline, replace the plus sign with your international access prefix (e.g., 00, 011, 010, 0011, 8~10, 119, etc.).
(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
The best way to enter an international number in your GSM mobile phone is in international format, which in this case would be +353 (including the plus sign) and then the Irish number (minus the leading zero). The mobile network will then automatically substitute the appropriate prefix, even if you're roaming in some distant country.
If your mobile phone does not allow you to enter a plus symbol in a telephone number, or if you are calling from a landline phone, substitute the UK international access prefix 00 for the plus symbol.
(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
The telephone country code for the Republic of Ireland is +353, and you must drop the trunk prefix 0 from the Irish domestic number (for landlines or mobiles). If you are calling on a mobile, just enter the number in international format, beginning with +353, including the plus symbol. Otherwise, replace the plus symbol with the UK's international dialing prefix, 00.
If you are calling a mobile from Northern Ireland, they use the same UK domestic numbering ranges as mobiles from other parts of the UK.
Most mobiles will allow you to enter numbers in full international format, such as +447412123456 for a mobile in the UK. Just replace the "0" trunk code with the "+44" country code for the UK.
If your mobile doesn't allow you to enter numbers in international format, just dial
00 = international prefix from Ireland
44 = country code for UK
and then the UK number, dropping the leading 0
Customers can call 789 from their Virgin Mobile phone to call Virgin Mobile UK. Other customers can call 0845 650 4500.
To call a UK-based mobile phone, anywhere in the world that it may be physically located, just dial the UK mobile numberexactly the same way you do when the mobile is in the UK.
To call a UK-based mobile phone, wherever in the world it may be physically located, you always just dial the UK mobile number the same way you do when the mobile is in the UK. The network will automatically locate the mobile and re-route the call accordingly, and the mobile user will pay any applicable surcharges for roaming.
The fact that the UK mobile is in France has no bearing on the cost to the original caller. The caller will pay the normal charge for a call to a UK mobile number, and the mobile user will pay any applicable surcharge for the international roaming.
5 years ago i got my first cell phone or mobile phone as we call them in the UK in 1997.
In the UK you need to dial 123 or 00 44 797 3100123
If the US mobile phone is in international roaming mode, you may be able to dial its normal US number. If the phone has swapped in a UK SIM card, you will need to dial the UK number.
Probably the UK - since that's our 'standard' name. The americans call it a cell-phone (due to the way the mobile network transfers a call between adjacent towers to keep the call connected.)
No - usually the mobile networks will do all the 'hard work' for you.
If it is an American mobile phone, you dial 00 1 then the full ten-digit American phone number. However, if you are trying to call a British mobile phone that somebody has taken with them while on holiday, you just dial it as you normally would.
The mobile phone number remains the same no matter where you take your phone - callers do not have to guess where your phone is before they dial you. In this case, the US caller would call you in the same was as calling any other UK telephone number: international access code 011, then country code 44 for the UK, followed by the full mobile number ignoring the leading zero. For example, 07345 345678 would be dialled as 011 44 7345 345678 from the USA.