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Q: How do you calculate the sag of a cushion under weight?
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How do sag's in power transmission formed?

The plural of sag is sags, not sag's! Sag is caused by the weight of the conductor between its supports, and is (a) unavoidable and (b) necessary to allow for the conductor's expansion and contraction during variations in temperature. When surveyors design a power line, the amount of necessary sag is calculated and built into the design, while ensuring that the clearance between the conductor and the ground remains within safe limits.

What is Sag Compensating Springs for Pantograph Isolator?

i think sag compensation springs are used in dead end termination of quadra conductor bus where jack bus is passing below bus & required clearence if we are not getting betn two buses their these sag compensation springs are used to bring conductor under tension .

Sag produced in the conductor of a transmission line depends on?

-The tension of the cable (the tighter, the less sag, but this can cause other problems if too tight) -The temperature outside (the higher the temperature, the more it will sag) -The amount of current flowing through the cable (the more current, the hotter the conductor will get = more sag) -The type of cable (aluminimum will sag more than copper; ACSR will sag less than straight aluminimum).

When Ontario Hydro workers set up electrical cables during the summer they allow the cables to sag. Suggest a reason for this. In your answer refer to the particle theory?

i know someones going to be on this sooooooooo....... they sag because the hydro workers know, from the heat the cbles will sag during the summer, so they start the sag so they cant sag anymore

Why are the main support cables of the suspension cables designed to sag?

They can't be designed not to. Large cables and ropes are extremely different to stretch straight, because of their high weight-to-length ratio.

Related questions

How do you calculate the sag between two transmission poles?

To calculate the sag between two transmission poles, you can use the catenary equation which considers the weight of the span wire and the tension in the wire. The formula takes into account the span length, weight per unit length of the wire, and the tension in the wire to determine the sag. It is important to ensure that the sag is within acceptable limits for safety and operational purposes.

Does your skin sag if you lose weight by anorexia?

Yes, Due to dehydration and the depletion of essential fats and proteins the cologen is diminished subcutaniously thus your skin will "sag"

What is mean by electrical sag?

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Does breast pressing cause breast sagging?

No the weight, pregnancy and age makes them sag.

Does pressing make your breast sag?

pressing does make your breasts sag, yes, but so does having kids, gaining and losing weight, bad breast implants, and not wairing a bra.

How do you calculate the sag of a glass shelf?

To calculate the sag of a glass shelf, you can use the formula for deflection in a beam: sag = (w * L^3) / (48 * E * I), where w is the uniform load on the shelf, L is the length of the shelf between supports, E is the Young's modulus of the glass, and I is the moment of inertia of the glass shelf. Alternatively, you can use online calculators specifically designed for calculating deflection of glass shelves.

How do sag's in power transmission formed?

The plural of sag is sags, not sag's! Sag is caused by the weight of the conductor between its supports, and is (a) unavoidable and (b) necessary to allow for the conductor's expansion and contraction during variations in temperature. When surveyors design a power line, the amount of necessary sag is calculated and built into the design, while ensuring that the clearance between the conductor and the ground remains within safe limits.

Why does over heated electricity cables sag in during day time?

Electricity cables sag in during the day because they expand and elongate as they heat up. The increased temperature weakens the cable's structural integrity, causing it to sag under its own weight. This is a natural response to thermal changes and is managed by engineers to ensure safety and reliability.

What is sag in conductor wires?

Sag in conductor wires refers to the amount of vertical droop or bend that occurs in the wire between two supporting structures, such as poles or towers. Sag is influenced by factors like the wire tension, temperature, and the weight of the wire itself. Properly managing sag is important to ensure the safe and reliable operation of overhead transmission and distribution lines.

How do you use the word weight in a sentence?

The great weight of a blue whale is balanced by its buoyancy in the water. His shoulders seemed to sag under the weight of his responsibilities. The heavy weight was being used as a makeshift doorstop.

What is to hang or sink downward?


Softening point of glass?

Soda lime glass softens at around 726 degrees Celsius, which is roughly 1340 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the point where glass will begin to sag under its own weight.