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Q: How do you calculate cost of guest supplies for occupied room?
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How can you calculate cost per occupied room?

You can calculate the cost per occupied room by evaluating all of the costs of each occupied room such as the cost of cleaning, maintenance or repairs. The addition of all of these costs together will give you the cost per occupied room in your building.

How do you calculate the cost per occupied room for laundry chemicals?

To calculate the cost per occupied room for laundry chemicals, you would divide the total laundry chemical cost by the total number of rooms serviced. This will give you the cost per room. You can then further refine it by considering the number of occupied rooms to get the cost per occupied room.

How can you calculate occupancy rate of hotel with complimentary and house use rooms?

Do you mean how do you calculate occupancy or how do you calculate the Average Daily rate? To calculate the Average Rate = Rooms Revenue divided by Rooms Sold To Calculate Occupancy = Total Rooms Sold divided by Total number of rooms available in the hotel x 100

What are the benefit of cost accounting?

The benefit of cost accounting is that you do not need to calculate the change in the costs when the price of your supplies increase. Your profits are simply your sales minus the cost of your inventory and minus the cost of your purchases. Cost accounting is ideal for a small operation.

What are benefits of cost accounting?

The benefit of cost accounting is that you do not need to calculate the change in the costs when the price of your supplies increase. Your profits are simply your sales minus the cost of your inventory and minus the cost of your purchases. Cost accounting is ideal for a small operation.

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Calculate cost of debt for what??????

What is the journal entry for cost of supplies used?

debit supplies expensecredit supplies inventory

Is factory supplies a product cost or period cost?

Product cost

How much do cheap school supplies cost?

The cost of school supplies will vary depending on which supplies you are purchasing (e.g. laptops will cost more than pens and pencils). Discounted school supplies can generally be purchased a month or two after students return to school.

How much does it cost in total for chinchilla and supplies?

the chinchilla would cost around $20-$40 and the supplies would cost another $40 or more.

Is supplies for administrative office classified as period cost of product cost?

Supplies for an administrative office would be classified office supplies, which is always treated as a cost of a period. Supplies for a manufacturing company would be classified as a product cost, i.e. wood (supply) in order to make desks (end product).

How much does the supplies for a guinea pig cost?

Overall guinea pig supplies cost about £60-£80 ($100 - $130) if you are starting from scratch, but a top up on supplies will cost about £5-£7 ($10 or so).