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if u really want to make a mouse a home do it out of wood and make it nice and put a wheel in it (no axle ) and paint it and do what ever u feel like doing with it

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

drill a hole in the wall and place sawdust and peanut butter inside.

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Q: How do you build a mouses home?
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What is a field mouses home?

In a field or a barn.

What is mouses home called?

A mouse lives in a hole

What do mouses out?

There is no such thing as a mouses. It is mice for your information

What are mouses made out of?

I meen compute mouses

What do you use computer mouses for?

Mouses are used for controling what you what to look at or point at. Mouses can be optional or machanical.

Where are mouses from?

i am actually not shore, but i think mouses are kinda scary dont u?

Are wireless mouses better for the environment than cord mouses for the computer?

That depends on your preference.

What is a Gruenberg ganglion?

its a group of cells in a mouses nose that helps it sense other mouses fear

Does the jaguar build its own home?

Jaguars do not build a home.

What should you use to hold the mousetrap car?

I had mouses at my home, they nibble your clothes into shreds. Then a pest control was arranged. It made things better.

What are quinielas?

they are chocolate mouses

What do mouses hate?
