Oh, dude, breeding a Sudowoodo is like trying to teach a rock to dance - it's not gonna happen! Sudowoodo can't breed because it's a genderless Pokémon. So, you can try all you want, but you won't be hatching any baby Sudowoodo anytime soon. Just stick to catching them in the wild and admiring their tree-like appearance.
To breed a Sudowoodo in the Pokémon games, you will need a male Sudowoodo or a Ditto and a compatible female Pokémon in the same egg group. Sudowoodo is in the Mineral egg group, so it can breed with other Pokémon in that group. Place both Pokémon in the Pokémon Day Care, and after a certain number of steps, an egg will be produced containing a baby Sudowoodo. The baby Sudowoodo will inherit certain traits from its parents, such as moves and abilities.
In order to breed Sudowoodo you can use a female Sudowoodo and a male one to breed together or if you have a male Sudowoodo then you can use Ditto in order to create a Sudowoodo egg additionally female Sudowoodo can breed with Ditto along with Pokémon in the Mineral Egg Group which are Geodude, Onix, Shedinja, Nosepass, Snorunt, Roggenrola, Dwebble, Yamask, Trubbish, Vanillite and Honedge along with their evolutions.
You should have the watering can by now.So what you do is go next to him and press a or go to bag and select the watering can and that should be it.
It can breed with anything.
No, Moltres is not able to breed.
You have to breed with a ditto if it is a male
It can breed with any gender of Pokemon It just cant breed with legendary Pokemon. Well it can breed with:Rotom,Manaphy,and Phione
Earthquake is TM26
Get rid of Sudowoodo
route 221
only one, at battle frontier
between goldenrod city and ecruteak city on route 36
its the wailmer pail you get from the flower shop outside of petalburg woods
get the squirtbottle on it then you fight it you can chose or run from the battle i or you can catch it for a hm slave
You should have the watering can by now.So what you do is go next to him and press a or go to bag and select the watering can and that should be it.
u have to have a wailmer pail that u get in the flowwer shop that is before the first gym the u use it on sodowoodo and he attacs
you those trees that wiggle outside of goldenrod city get the squirtbottle then spray it on it you can get past it and you will get suddowoodo a lady wants to see what it looks like .
You need to get the squirtle watering can after defeating Whiteny in goldenrod. go to the strange tree blocking the way and use the watering can on it. it will battle you cause its a sudowodo.
Defeat the Goldenrod GYM leader Whitney and then go to the little house next to the GYM and talk to the lady and she will give you a squirtle bottle and you use that on Sudowoodo