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How I beat him::::

Weapon-Black Scythe(elder dragon bone is easily obtained from Chameleos, get dark stones and pieces)

Skill-Bombardier(5 Bombardier Jewels)

Amor-Doesn't really matter, Lao never intentionally hurts you.

Items to Bring-Large Barrel Bomb+(2)

Small Barrel Bomb+(5, to ignite the LBB+)

Items to make LBB+(Large Barrel, Gunpowder, Scatterfish)

Powercharm(buy it and keep it with you, you just become strong, no eating or drinking needed)

Demondrug/Mega Demondrug

Whetstones(Power decreases A LOT!)

Potion/Mega Potion(in case you get stepped on)

Well Done Steaks/Gourmet Steaks/Power Juice(for running back to base)

The Strategy I Used:::

1-Get a good breakfast(Goldenfish Brew and Kirin Cheese)

2-dig near the spears at base for maximum Ballista S

3-go to Area 2(Lao's first appearance). Drink Demondrugs.

4-When you hear the boss music, you'll see Lao's head. set LBB+'s near where his head's going to be, and ignite as soon as you see him above the bombs. He should stagger, and his horn should be broken.

5-Keep hitting him in the head with the Scythe. Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, R, R.

If you wanna save the Spirit Gauge, don't use R. When it fills, keep pressing R.

6-When you see the bridge in the distance, go up the slope on the side of the area, stay on top of the bridge. When he's halfway past, jump on his back. You should land on a big plate. Carve if you want, but lay Anti-dragon Bombs(Blue Box) on him. He'll eventually jump, trying to get you off. If you didn't ignite, don't worry. His jump will cause the bombs to explode.

7-Keep hitting his Head. When he goes to a new area, follow him. Lay LBB+'s or Supply Bombs again. Keep hitting his head.

8- When he gets to Area 5, stay at the entrance with your bombs. Don't be scared when he suddenly shows up on top of you. He doesn't come from a distance. Ignite and keep hitting his head.

9- When he gets to the wall, he'll scream and stand up. go to the top of the wall, holding R for speed. When you see him get close, go to the red button and press O. He should fall back. This won't work if he isn't standing.

10-As soon as he falls back, start shooting Ballistas at his stomach. He should fall back again, but this doesn't happen all the time.

11- At this point, he should've staggered enough for you to win the mission. Jump off the wall and continue to attack his face, or if he's standing, his stomach.

12-When time runs out, he should retreat. If you failed, it means you didn't hurt him enough. Try putting bombs in the middle of an area and ignite while he's walking(you'll have to go in front of him.

13-A lot of people say hitting his stomach will hurt him more. This is true, but it's easier to get stepped on, and if he staggers, crushed.

Hope this helped. Remember, this is only how I beat him. Do whatever you find best, as long as you win.

He is very hard to kill. He usually just retreats.

-------Nick, aka, nicky143782

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