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When you finished the main game, you will be granted access to the S.S. Anne (think it is called tht) After tht u will be able to journey through Kanto and you will eventually be able to battle Misty

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Q: How do you battle misty in silver?
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Battle Misty

How do you battle misty?

in your bed

How do you get misty the water Pokemon leader in the gym in Pokemon silver version?

you would have to go look for her she is out of town where bill's house is then you can battle her at the gym.

Where is Cerulean Cape in Soul Silver?

To get to the cerulean cape you go north on the bridge and head east. You'll have to battle 5-7 trainers on the way. When you get to the end you'll met misty and some other guy, misty will then go back to the gym. After the gym if you have chased suicune enough it will be where you met misty. =)

Where is misty on soul silver?

At Cerulean Cape.

Where do you find Misty in Pokemon Silver?

She is in Cerealen City.

Where is misty in soul silver?

Shes in Cerulean city.

What do you do after you have given the pipe to the powerplant?

u can battle misty

How do you get the power plant part if you decided to battle Misty first before going back to get it?

Then you can't. You can't battle misty without it. SHINYGOLD IS AWESOME<3 E>

Who do you need to battle in Pokemon AshGray in the Cerulean City Gym?

you must battle misty

What type of Pokemon does misty have in soul silver?

..... Misty has water type like she has had throughout all games! i mean, really! the name 'Misty' kind of gives it away!