If your on the right side of the bike the carburetor is to the top left of the cylinder, there is a screw with a spring on it, tighten the screw to bring the idle up, loosen it to lower the idle
The way to adjust cam chain on TTR 125 is by putting the chain on the cam sprocket and making sure that it is the same. You can also remove and reset it as well.
valve settings on a 2008 yamaha ttr 125
NGK CR7-HSA run the best in a ttr 125. Thats what I have in my ttr 125.
a stock ttr 125 goes 52 -55
How much oil does a 2001 Yamaha TTR 125 hold? How much oil does a 2001 Yamaha TTR 125 hold? How much oil does a 2001 Yamaha TTR 125 hold?
Tight trail rec.
The klx 125 i hate to say this being a yamaha fan but the ttr 125 is underpowerd breaks alot.
What is the spark plug gap for a 2006 yamaha ttr 125?
The 2009 Yamaha ttr 125 has a 1.6 gallon fuel tank.
Turn the gas off, pull the gas line at the carb and place the end of it in a gas can, turn the petcock back on to the reserve position.
It will not takeover
A Yamaha ttr 125 weighs just about 198 pounds and goes 65 mph