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Q: How do you add a slide show to your website?
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How do you add a website link to power point slide?

go to insert then hyperlink and type the name of the website

How can you add music across a slide show in window movie maker?

You add it to the Audio/Music track.

Can you add new slides in a slide Show view?

No you can't, sorry... :P

Why you add slide show based answers if they are terribly unreadable?

Because Wiki are noobs at UI

What is slide show view?

slide show view shows you a preview of what your slide show will look like

Where can one find slideshow software for free?

The Photo Dex website offers a premium slide show software. In my experience I have noticed that any Windows operated computer that has a slide show is the easiest one to use

How do you add color to a slide?

To be honest there are many ways to add color to a slide

What is a slide show presentation?

a presentation in slide show form.

What effects add pattern and texture to a slide background which add depth to a slide?


Differentiate between slide show view and slide view in MS-power point?

Slide show view means it starts from the beginning and shows you the entire slide show to the end. Slide view means it starts from the current slide you are working on and continues the slide show from there, if there are any after it.

What happens when you press the escape key during a slide show?

In PowerPoint, if you press the escape key during a slide show It will stop the slide show.

What is the minimum number of slides in a powerpoint presentation?

A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.A slide show could have a single slide, so the minimum is one. Typically a slide show will have more than that. It will depend on what you need and how you design it.