Switzerland has 3 official languages, German(63.1% of Swiss speak it), French (20.4% of Swiss speak it), and Italian (6.5% of Swiss speak it) Spelling Switzerland would depend on what language. In German, the main language, it is spelt Schweiz. In French it is spelt Suisse. In Italian it is spelt Svizzera.
CH which stands for Confoederatio Helvetica. This is the official latin name, it translates into English as "Swiss Confederation". It is used as there four different languages spoken in Switzerland. Using latin is neutral and not showing any preference for any of the four languages.
'CH' is used for many purposes. The internet domain for Switzerland is ".ch", the vehicle nationality plate is also 'CH', the Swiss Frank is abbreviated to 'CHF', but the aicraft registration number prefix is 'HB'. HB = Helvetische Bund, which is German for "Swiss Confederation". However the official name for the country in German is "Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft".
Bern is the capital of Switzerland, though not the biggest city
Switzerland or England
Basel, Switzerland (NNW Switzerland)
Switzerland is a republic. By definition there are republicans in Switzerland.
Switzerland is not a state, it is a country. Switzerland does not have an official national bird.
There are no nations within Switzerland, Switzerland is a nation.
There are no bays in Switzerland. Switzerland does not border on any ocean.
Switzerland has 133 places in all of Switzerland!
No. Liechtenstein is sandwiched between Austria and Switzerland.
Roger Federer was born in and still lives in Switzerland.He is from Basel Switzerland
Switzerland does not have counties. There are 26 cantons in Switzerland