they grab hundreds of coloured balls and them thousands of coloured balls and put them in a container and shake the up. that is how u make hundreds and thousands.
One hundred of them.
There are a hundred lots of thousands in a hundred thousand.
2700/1000 = 2.7
There are 870 hundred thousands = 87,000,000
No 70 hundred thousands does not equal 7000 million?
One hundred of them.
There are a hundred thousands in a hundred thousand.
There are a hundred lots of thousands in a hundred thousand.
2700/1000 = 2.7
hundred thousands,ten thousands,thousands,hundreds,tens,ones
It would take one hundred thousand dollar bills to make one hundred thousand dollars.
9 hundred thousands
There are 870 hundred thousands = 87,000,000
100,000,000 (100 million) thousands are in 100 hundred million thousands
No 70 hundred thousands does not equal 7000 million?
There are 8 hundred thousands and 7 thousands, so 1 more.
73127849 rounded to hundred thousands 73100000