In "The Diary of Anne Frank," the Annex residents initially struggle with having Kraler live with them due to the increased strain on their resources and the need for secrecy. However, they ultimately accept and appreciate his presence as he proves to be trustworthy and supportive in their difficult situation.
She wrote a diary.
Living tissues typically react more like a buffer than like water. This is because living tissues do not move easily.
Living tissues typically react more like a buffer than like water. This is because living tissues do not move easily.
Deal with it. - A Minnesotan
I was also looking for this answer and the answer is stimulus
They do not have the energy needed to react at normal body temperatures.They do not have the energy needed to react at normal body temps.
They do not have the energy needed to react at normal body temperatures.They do not have the energy needed to react at normal body temps.
One trait of a living thing is the ability to respond to stimuli from the environment. This means that living organisms can react to changes in their surroundings to maintain homeostasis or ensure their survival.
There are 5 elements: Growth, Need Water, Reproduce, React to changes, and Movement. If it does not do all these things, then its not living.
Enzymes that help them react do not work at normal body temperatures
They react actively rather than passively.
yes, they do, if they are living in a cage by themselves they are not expecting an other rodent with them!!!!! yes, they do, if they are living in a cage by themselves they are not expecting an other rodent with them!!!!!