They put huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the air. they also drop aviation gas on waterways especialy near airports, They make noise, and in high air trafic countrys like the usa the vapour and smog they leave in the uper atmosphere actuly causes a cooling of the air below it.
planes can sometimes be good but sometimes bad
Paper airplanes are effected by aerodynamics just as anything else in the air is. Drag is encountered, and air resistance is related to this.
it can fly
two planes intersect in one line, or the planes could be parallel. by the way there is no such thing as skew planes...
The angle between two planes when the planes intersect at a point is the acute angle fixed by the normal vectors of the planes.
planes can sometimes be good but sometimes bad
Planes harm the environment mainly through carbon emissions released from burning aviation fuel, contributing to global warming. They also release other pollutants like nitrogen oxides and particulate matter that can affect air quality and contribute to environmental damage. Additionally, the contrails produced by planes can potentially have a warming effect on the atmosphere.
i think it cna it makes more people come on planes and that damages the environment i think it cna it makes more people come on planes and that damages the environment
It damages the environment by adding to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.Greenhouse gases are responsible for the greenhouse effect, which keeps the planet warm.Additional gases from the burning of fossil fuels are producing the enhanced greenhouse effect which is warming the planet.
how does physical environment effect human sediment?
planes give of gas as they fly through the air which pollutes the air and their gas is also known as a greenhouse gas
The hijackers weren't thinking about how this tragic incident could effect a lot of lives and the environment. If those terror experts who where flying the planes thought about how it could effect other people and their own lives, then 9/11 wouldn't have started in the first place.
It has a very small effect on the environment. It is eco-friendly! (-:
because of weather phenomena
effect of multinationals on environment
Helicopters do not affect the environment.