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it completes the organ system

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Sanford Balistreri

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3y ago
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12y ago

Cells are the smallest unit of life. Large groups of cells with the same purpose are called tissue, groups of tissue with the same purpose form organs, organs with similar purposes form systems and systems form organisms.

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12y ago

it completes the organ system

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Q: How do organs related to cells and tissues?
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How are tissues and cells and organs related?

Cells are the smallest unit of life. Large groups of cells with the same purpose are called tissue, groups of tissue with the same purpose form organs, organs with similar purposes form systems and systems form organisms.

How are cells related to body tissues and organs?

Cells combine to form tissues, which in turn make up organs. Different types of cells in tissues have specific functions that contribute to the overall function of the organ. Organs work together in systems to carry out bodily functions.

What is the relationship among Cells organs and tissues?

"They all have something to do with cells." hope this helped (:

How are tissues and cells related?

Tissues are made up of groups of cells that work together to perform specific functions in the body. Cells are the building blocks of tissues, and they are organized into specific types to carry out specialized tasks within the body. Together, cells form tissues, which in turn combine to create organs and systems in the body.

What is the relation among cells tissues and organs?

Cells form tissues, and tissues form organs. And you need them to live.

Is an organism tissues and organs are made of cells?

Cells make up tissues, and tissues make up organs.tissues are group of cells which perform similar they are made up of cells only

What are organs related to?

The fungi is related to the mushroom.

What is the function of organs in a cell?

Organs do not function in cells. Organs are made of various tissues types, while tissues are made of cells.

How are organelles cells tissues organs organ system and organisms related?

is all part of an organ

What can tissues form?

Tissues are formed by cells, tissues form organs and organs form systems.

How an animal cell related to tissues and organs?

An animal cell is directly related to tissue and organs. Each part of the body of an animal is made up of cells.

How is animal cells related to tissue and organs?

well, groups of cells make up tissues, groups of tissues make up organs, and a group of organs makes up an organ system and organ systems make up and organism. basic