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Electricity and magnetism can create each other:

Electricity flowing in a wire projects a magnetic field around the wire. Electromagnets, solenoids and motors are examples of this.

Magnetic lines of force cutting across a wire induces an electric current in the wire. Generators and alternators are examples of this.

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9mo ago

Magnetism and electricity are interconnected through electromagnetism. When an electric current flows through a wire, it generates a magnetic field around it. Similarly, moving a magnet near a wire induces an electric current in the wire. This relationship forms the basis of many technological applications, such as electric motors and generators.

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When you wash the clothes why do they do magnetism?

Washing clothes does not create magnetism. However, if you accidentally leave a magnetic object (such as a magnetic button or steel zipper) in your clothes and wash them together, the magnetism of the object may interact with other items in the wash causing them to stick together.

How do scientists know that earths gravity and magnetism can work through gases solids and liquids?

Scientists know that Earth's gravity and magnetism can work through gases, solids, and liquids because they have observed these effects in various materials and environments. They have conducted experiments and studies to understand the behavior of gravity and magnetism in different mediums and have found consistent results. Additionally, theoretical models and mathematical equations have been developed to explain how gravity and magnetism can act through different states of matter.

What is difference between residual magnetism and retentivity?

Residual magnetism refers to the magnetism left in a material after an external magnetic field is removed, while retentivity is the ability of a material to retain its magnetization once the external magnetic field is removed. In other words, residual magnetism measures the strength of the remaining magnetism, while retentivity measures the material's ability to maintain that magnetism.

How does magnetism affect the planets?

Magnetism affects planets in various ways. Planets like Earth have magnetic fields generated by the movement of molten metal in their cores, which protect them from solar wind and cosmic radiation. Magnetism also plays a role in the formation of planetary auroras and can influence the behavior of charged particles in a planet's magnetosphere.

How can magnetism be destroyed?

Magnetism is a fundamental force of nature that cannot be destroyed. However, materials that are magnetized can lose their magnetism if exposed to extreme heat or a strong magnetic field in the opposite direction, causing the magnetic domains within the material to become disordered.

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How does magnetism make a television work?

There's no function inside a TV set that requires magnetism to make it work.

How do laptops work with magnetism?

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What makes eletricity work?

it work by circling by a battery and electricity can be made by water,wind,the sun and animals manure

Can magnetism field work?

magnetism works by the type of metal used to pull other type metal to it.

What force pulls magnet TOGETHER?

The force is called magnetism.

How does magnetism and electricity work together?

When current flows in a conductor there is a magnetic field formed around the conductor. This magnetic field can be used to make an electric magnet (like the ones used at junkyards), motors also use magnetism to operate, and many switches (solenoid, motor starters, and relay switches) use magnetism to open or close.

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What are devices that work because of earths magnetism?


How does magnetism work in phones?

it works very well