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matters how fast you're talking about - in century wise they can change their color, beak shape, drastic changes etc. week by week wise or longer - slight change in diet, fight or flee reaction, or something like a shock collar: punish or reward it when it does something like standing on one leg and eventually it might not do it at all. really matter on how big a change in environment or whether a human or intelligent beings (aliens!!;)!!!) make it. sometimes in a big change in environment flamingos or any animal might not adapt in time and die out like the dinosaurs; they couldn't adapt in time for its environmental disaster.

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11y ago

Flamingoes are uniquely adapted to survive in their wetland habitat.

They have long legs and webbed feet which enable them to wade in water, and to swim. The webbed feet support them on the soggy ground of the wetlands, and stop them from sinking into the soft mud.

Flamingoes are characterised by their graceful necks and bills, which are longer than those of any bird of comparable size. These help them to reach for food underwater. Because of their long necks, they can reach down and stir up the mud with their bills find their food.

Flamingoes also are unusual in that they turn their heads upside down in wart to feed. To this end, they have uniquely structured jaws. The lower jaw is fixed and the upper part moves, which is completely in reverse to those of other birds and mammals. Inside their beaks are tiny bristle-like structures called lamellae which filter out the mud and dirt, leaving just the good food like molluscs, worms, crustaceans and fish.

Unlike most other birds, flamingoes are not reliant on freshwater. They are able to drink salty water, excreting the salt through glands located next to their beaks. Not only that, they can drink hotwater as well. This is a useful adaptation as it means they can stay in saltwater lagoon, drinking from hot freshwater springs when required, and stay away from predators.

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