An elephants trunk is part of their genetic make up (its in their DNA), their trunk grows when they are in their fetus stage. If you want to see, image search "elephant fetus" actually kind of neat.
Nobody is quite certain how the elephant got its trunk, though it's ancestors had very small trunks. It grew longer as the surroundings changed, and has become a very resourceful tool for grabbing food to eat.
Elephants cannot breathe through their trunks, as they use their trunks to breathe through their nostrils. They also cannot drink water with their trunks like a straw, as they use their trunks to suck up water and then spray it into their mouths. Additionally, elephants cannot use their trunks to scratch themselves, as they rely on other parts of their bodies like their feet or tusks for that.
According to Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, elephants with longer trunks may have a higher chance of survival and reproduction in their environment, resulting in the passing of genes for long trunks to their offspring. Over generations, this process of natural selection would lead to an increase in the prevalence of longer trunk lengths within the elephant population as individuals with longer trunks are more adept at gathering food and surviving.
They weren't wearing their trunks.
Answer:elephantafrican elephantindian elephant
Elephants have remorse for the dead and a good memory. If a member of an elephants family dies, then the surviving members will return to the site of the death every year to "mourn." Their trunks are also unique, being made up of 100,000 individual muscles.
If all elephants have trunks, then they must be present.
elephants have 40,000 muscles in there trunk
Yes, elephants use their trunks to smell their surroundings. Their trunks are equipped with a highly developed sense of smell that helps them locate food, water, and other elephants.
Elephants draw the water up into their trunks and then squirt the water from their trunks into their mouth.
Their trunks
Elephants have long trunks that they use to drink with, not there mouths!
With their trunks and their mouths