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you just have to go to your downloads on psn store and u find it and download it

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Q: How do You Put Map pack Codes after you bought them on PS3?
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I bought mw2 on the ps3 when i was on holiday and when i came back i got the stimulus map pack The map pack doesn't work with the game How do i get it to work?

you can re-download it for free on the same account

Can you get the old zombie maps in PS3?

if you bought the hardened edition of Black ops or buy the Rezurrection map pack for black ops

When does the mw3 map pack come out for ps3?

Map packs for the PS3 come out a month after they come out for the Xbox.

When the MW2 map pack be released for PS3?

Always 5 weeks after the 360 gets the map pack.

Can you play map pack 3 on ps2?

No the PS3 Map Pack for call of duty World at war is not for the PS2 Call of Duty World at War final Fronts. No PS3 game or map pack can ever work on the PS2

How do you buy the map pack for PS3 for cod4?

i buy it.

When do the map pack come out for ps3?

may 5

When will the map pack for mw2 come out for ps3?

when it comes out

Is the map pack on black ops free for the ps3?


When is the call of duty black ops escalation map pack coming out for PS3?

Escalation map pack for PS3 is coming out June 7th.Your question has been answered.

When I visited America my auntie bought me Mw2 Back in Australia I am are considering to purchase the Stimulus map pack Will the map pack work as they are from different places?

just purchase the map pack onto your ps3 or 360 and the game should read it the same. there should be nothing different with your game just because its from another country.

When is the MW2 map pack coming out for ps3?

April 30th