you just have to go to your downloads on psn store and u find it and download it
June 10 2011 for the escalation map pack first strike is already out
Feb 1st for xbox .pc, ps3 etc comes out march 1st. yes but there is a new map pack coming out it is map pack 2 called Escalation for more info go to (See related Link)
Yes there will be, it came out March 30th 2010 for Xbox 360 map pack 1 and Map pack 2 on Jun 6 2010 but ps3 is not sure yet PS3 MP1 May 4 2010 MP2 Jun 6 2010 PC MP1 May 4 2010 MP2 September 30 2010
u have to wait till the firdt drike map pack comes up in the PS store then u purchase the map early march.
Der reise is not locked and is part of the rezurrection map pack purchased for $15 and downloaded from the Playstation Store
you can re-download it for free on the same account
if you bought the hardened edition of Black ops or buy the Rezurrection map pack for black ops
Map packs for the PS3 come out a month after they come out for the Xbox.
Always 5 weeks after the 360 gets the map pack.
No the PS3 Map Pack for call of duty World at war is not for the PS2 Call of Duty World at War final Fronts. No PS3 game or map pack can ever work on the PS2
i buy it.
may 5
when it comes out
Escalation map pack for PS3 is coming out June 7th.Your question has been answered.
just purchase the map pack onto your ps3 or 360 and the game should read it the same. there should be nothing different with your game just because its from another country.
April 30th