We dress a lot like anyone else would, Jeans, tee shirts, tennis shoes. The only thing that the Church requires is that we dress modestly, and not revealing in any way. We want people to see us for children of God. We also believe that when you attend church, you wear your best clothes. This can include anything you have that you would consider your best. At my church, there is alot of diverstity, from suites and dresses, to some wearing overalls and jeans with their best shirts and shoes.
Adventists dress any way they want. They can wear their hair any way they want, dress any way, shave or not shave, etc. They will not be admonished or kicked out of the church for appearance. However the message conveyed within most of the denomination's congregations is one of surrender, obedience and simplicity. Adventists usually don't wear a lot of jewelry, fancy clothes, or much makeup. Some Adventists don't even wear wedding rings. The teaching in conservative Adventist congregations is that nothing is to draw attention to the individual and away from God. In most Adventist Churches, dress is plain and clean. But dress is according to the individual's desire.
Not at all, the Lord asks us to come to His house (Church) wearing your best clothes. So if you have a suit and tie, wear that to church. If you don't have any clothing for a special occasion like a suit, just pick out your best piece of clothing, but make sure the shirt doesn't have any wording on the front or back promoting non-Sabbath activity.
shortly after the person is deceased
Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists was created in 1878.
Yes, Seventh-day Adventists do believe in blood transfusions. You may be confusing Seventh-day Adventists with Jehovah's Witnesses, who are an entirely separate denomination.
The main beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists are the seventh-day Sabbath and the second advent, or second coming of Christ. There are 28 fundamental beliefs in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.
Thomas Holland has written: 'Seventh-day Adventists' -- subject(s): Seventh-Day Adventists
Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists was created in 1902.
Jesus :)
Seventh-day Adventists have no moral prohibition against eating lamb, though it is true that many are vegetarians.
Adventists do not celebrate the Great Disappointment.
Seventh-day Adventists do not take objection to the appropriate use of narcotic medications prescribed by a doctor.