How do you reset the Airbag warning light on a 1995 Toyota Avalon?
red flashing light that is car symbol what is it for
it means a brake-lamp bulb has burned out
The warning lights on the dashboard of the 1998 Toyota Avalon are designed to tell you if your oil is low, if your gas is low, and if the engine temperature is too high. These lights help you to establish when the vehicle needs to be serviced.
How to Reset Maintenance Warning Light on a 2008 Toyota 4Runner
This will be in your owners manual. You can also see the related question linked to the right for the 2005.
The third brake light on a 2007 Toyota Avalon is replaced by first removing the rear, retaining screws. The wiring harness can then be disconnect and the light bulb removed.
It is a general warning light. It could be that the glow plugs are wearing out or something more serious. U need to read the data in a Toyota dealer. Toyota have u by the throat until the scrapyard!
my engine came on when i still have 30 miles from home on my 2000 toyota avalon
if you drove on your brakes with them rubing, you may have to restart your car's computer by unpluging the batt and leting it sit for about 15 minates