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Q: How do French people cook their food?
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Do people prefer fast-food or store bought french fries?

Some people might like fast food because they don't have time to cook, and then wash dishes.

What french food could you cook from home?

If you have a good recipe book, and the necessary ingredient's. You can cook almost anything of the French cuisine.

How do traditional french people cook and What is the most common foods that french people eat?

french fries

What does the cook place your food on?

To serve the food, the cook might place it on a plate.

How people in Tudor times cook their food?

Either in a pan, fried, boiled, or broile. Over an open fire ; a spit. An oven All the heating was done by wood/charcoal/vegetable oil fires. Mineral (Crude) oil, coal , gas and electricity were not known. Also as foodstuffs, potatoes and tomatoes were not known. They were imported from the Americas by Sir Walter Raleigh, together with sugar and tobacco. Potatoes, Tomatoes, Tobacco, ans Sugar Cane are indigenous plants to the Americas.

What do most people cook?


How do Africa people cook their food?

they throw their food in the water and use the sun to cook it to medium rare :)

Who was a cook in Victorian times?

basically a cook is a maid who cooked food for people

What method did earliest people use to cook food?

what method did earliest people use to cook food first? dry heat or moist heat

What is to cook in French?

to cook is 'cuisiner' in French.

What food for a french tourist?

If you receive a French tourist in your country, don't cook or serve what he eats at home; just feed him the local food using your everyday recipes.

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