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The World Bank can be considered the world's bank. Many governments (National and State) of various developing nations approach the world bank for monetary help with respect to various development project in their region. For ex: If the Chief Minister of the State of TamilNadu (India) plans on building a huge dam across one of its rivers and requires funding worth a few hundred crores of Rupees and does not have sufficient funding in his coffers, he can approach the world bank. He would have to submit a proposal with details of the plan along with details as to how he plans on repaying the borrowed money. If the World Bank feels that the plan will benefit the people of the state and also if they feel the state government will be able to repay the money loaned out, they will grant the loan.

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Q: How did the world bank help the developing countries?
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What is a major difference between the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Bank?

Answer this question… The World Bank works to help developing countries, while the WTO promotes global trade more generally.

What is a major difference between the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Bank?

Answer this question… The World Bank works to help developing countries, while the WTO promotes global trade more generally.

How does the world bank help developing countries?

The World Bank helps developing countries by providing financial assistance in the form of loans and grants to support projects aimed at reducing poverty, promoting economic development, and improving infrastructure. Additionally, the World Bank offers technical expertise, policy advice, and capacity-building support to help countries implement sustainable development policies and programs.

What institutions provide loans to countries in need?

Usually it is the world bank that offers loans to developing countries for their growth and development. The country that needs the funding help must contact World Bank and finish all formalities in order to avail the financial help. Country's that have been properly paying back their earlier debt from the world bank are given priority over country's that have defaulted on their payments

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By selling their products to developing countries.

Why is the world bank important?

The World Bank is important because it provides financial and technical assistance to developing countries to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development. It helps countries improve their infrastructure, healthcare, education, and governance systems. The World Bank also conducts research and shares knowledge to help countries implement effective policies and reforms.

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To help countries achieve sustainable development

What is the main purpose of the loans made by the world bank.?

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What is the main purpose of the loans made by the World Bank?

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