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Q: How did the invention of iron and steel melting change ancient china?
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What Ancient Chinese Invention?

Ancient China inventions

What was Ancient China's greatest invention?

gun powder

Which invention was originated in ancient China?

I think it was paper

Name 3 technological advances that happened in ancient China?

Building the Great Wall of China. The discovery/invention of fireworks. The invention of spaghetti.

Which empire or dynasty witnessed invention of paper?

The Han Dynasty in ancient China.

What ancient Chinese invention increased china's population?

rice. gave them skinnier eyes to make more babies

What invention were made in early China?

The Ancient Chinese are reputed to have originated gunpowder explosives and fireworks, and pasta noodles.

What are the four great inventions of ancient china?

The four greatest invention from china is 1:human 2:food :d 3:communtcation 4:life

Six invention in ancient China?

# rudder # wheelbarrow # silk # paper # compass # iron plow # seismoscope I Hoped This Helped

What is the most popular ancient China invention?

it depends on what you think is more important to most people the paper is the most important.

When was the wheeled cart invented?

There is no exact date associated with the invention of the wheeled cart. However, historians say it was invented in ancient China.

What is the ancient name of China?

Ancient China.