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Q: How did the government in the 19th century try to help and explain turnpike trusts?
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What was the Turnpike Trusts?

Turnpike trusts were bodies set up by individual acts of parliament, with powers to collect road tolls for maintaining the principal roads in britain from the 17th but especially during the 18th and 19th centuries. At the peak, in the 1830s, over 1,000 trusts administered around 30,000 miles (48,000 km) of turnpike road in England & Wales, taking tolls at almost 8,000 toll-gates and side-bars.During the early 19th century the concept of the turnpike trust was adopted and adapted to manage roads within the British Empire (Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India & South Africa) and in the USA.Turnpikes declined with the coming of the railways and then the local grovernment act of 1888 gave responsibility for maintaining main roads to country councils and country borough councils.

Why were people oppose to the creation of monopolies and trusts?

Trusts put smaller competitors out of business using unfair tactics. Trusts could unfairly raise prices since they had no competition. Trusts had too much influence on government officials.

How did Rossevelt justify the need for government regulation of the trusts?

Your mom is how he did it

Why was the US government unable to limit the trusts built by businesses like United Fruit?

The U.S. Could not regulate overseas trusts.

How roads changed 1700's-1800's?

There were Turnpike trusts which looked after sections of road and new ways of building roads where invented! This happened during the Transport Revolution!

President T Roosevelt believed that the federal government should adopt a policy of what in regard to trusts?

Roosevelt held the position that the government should be able to regulate trusts. Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th U.S. President.

Why was the Sherman Antitrust Act passed?

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 was the first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trusts or business activities that federal government regulators deem to be anticompetitive. It also requires the federal government to investigate and pursue trusts (monopolies).

What was the main use of trusts and cartels during the 19th century?

Reduce competition between businesses

What did the business owners in the late 19th century attempt to establish trusts?

Eliminate competition

Why did the government at first hesitate to break up trusts and monopolies?

I don't think it was really malicious. The government just didn't see trusts and monopolies as a problem, even though they were reducing the amount of business activity in the United States.

Why did government at first hesitate to break up trusts and monopolies?

I don't think it was really malicious. The government just didn't see trusts and monopolies as a problem, even though they were reducing the amount of business activity in the United States.

Businesses formed trusts and monopolies during the late 19th century mainly to?

eliminate competition