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Rome grew from a small town on the Tiber River to become a great power. Rome conquered Greece, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Persia. Rome's central location and good climate were factors in its success. Because most of Italy is surrounded by water, Romans could easily travel by sea. The mountains in the north made it difficult to travel over land. The warm dry weather resulted in high crop yields, so the Romans had plenty of food.

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8y ago
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9y ago

The Romans conquered all the lands around the Mediterranean Sea. Italy is in in the middle of this sea, between its eastern and western basins. This determined the fact that the Roman Empire was centred on the Mediterranean, which the Romans called "our sea". The central position also made it easier to expand control both the eastern and the western basins and to control them.

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12y ago

Two reasons location of Italy helped the rise in the Roman empire are

1)The Alps helped keep out some of the invaders.

2)Italy was in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, which helped trade with distant lands. It also helped them have a Navy to fend off the rest of the invaders.

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7y ago

It's central position on the Mediterranean enabled it to first gain control of the Western Mediterranean, then the Eastern Mediterranean, then turn north, expanding to the borders of the Rhine and Danube Rivers.

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10y ago

Italic people were mostly farmers, rather than sailors and they were also located on some of the hills they did farming which, was later a reason of rise of Rome.

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