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when the us declared war against Germany in World War 1 many men


the made the selective act which made men over the age21 to 30 to join (only if they wanted to )

Many native Americans. the positive thing is that the army unillerated the natives. those who couldn't read or write learn in the army. They also used Propaganda which are like posters of cartoon or things that happen saying to join.

a popular one is the one with Uncle Sam pointing at whoever was looking at the poster i says I want you to join the army

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because of imperalism. they wanted to keep the waters and the island the owned safe

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Selective Service Act

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Q: How did the US build up its armed forces?
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What is the presidents role in military affairs?

The President of the United States is Commander in Chief of all US armed forces . He also appoints the Secretary of Defense who serves at his discretion. The president chooses the assignments of high ranking generals and admirals.The president makes budget recommendation and so influences the size and make-up of the military and the choices of which weapons systems to buy and pay for developing.

What's the military role of the president?

The President of the United States is Commander in Chief of all US armed forces . He also appoints the Secretary of Defense who serves at his discretion. The president chooses the assignments of high ranking generals and admirals.The president makes budget recommendation and so influences the size and make-up of the military and the choices of which weapons systems to buy and pay for developing.

To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court?

I believe it refers to Congress' ability to set up a tribunal to hear disputes, appeals, and complaints in regard to some action, the decisions of which can still be reviewed and overturned by the Supreme Court. An example would be Article I courts; Article I courts are also referred to as legislative courts. Article I hearings include: Territorial courts (These are federal courts located in the district of Guam, the US Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands), US Court of Military Appeals [US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces], US Court of Veterans Appeals, US Court of Federal Claims, and US Tax Court. Also included are ancillary courts with judges appointed by Article III appeals court judges, or administrative agencies. Article I judges are not subject to the Article III protections.

Who is the head of the executive?

In the US presidential system the executive is at once the Head of State and the Head of Government.The role of the executive is day to day to manage the country as constituted by law, head up the armed forces and to lead the development of new laws to be voted on by the house of representatives and senate.The president also signs new laws passed by the house of representatives and senate in to law.

What types of courts make up us court system?

1. Supreme Court 2. Court of Appeals a. Court of Military Appeals b. Court of Financial Appeals 3. District Courts (excluding State Courts) 4. Local Courts

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Which branch of the us armed forces has admirals?

The branch of the US armed forces that has admirals is the Navy. The armed forces is made up of the army, air forces and the navy.

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Appeasement helped Britain build up their armed forces.

What is the term used for the build up of armed forces?

I'm pretty sure its arms race. its escalation

What did the policy of appeasement give Britain a chance to do?

Appeasement helped Britain build up their armed forces.

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to build up americas armed forces (novanet) have a phatty d

How many men signed up to the armed forces in 1914?

0.5 million men signed up to join the armed forces in 1914.

Why do you celebrate Armed Forces Day?

it an opportunity for a nation to show support for the men and women who make up the armed forces

What was Kennedy administrations first goal in the Cold War struggle against communism?

to build up americas armed forces (novanet) have a phatty d

What did admiral Mahan the US to do to protect its interests?

to build up more naval forces

In what ways did Hitler build up his armed forces before 1936?

Basically Hitler built up the armed forces and economised the country. Hitler took Germany out of poverty and built up the counrtys jobs by producing more oppotunities, jobs ect.

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The peoples liberation is made up of regular civilians. The Chinese armed forces is made up of military personnel.