To observe the Perseid meteor shower in 2018, look for a dark location away from city lights, such as a rural area or a designated stargazing site. The shower peaks in mid-August, so check the weather forecast and plan to view it during the early morning hours for the best visibility.
Well hi there, friend! The Perseid meteor shower typically peaks around mid-August each year, so in 2018 you can enjoy these shooting stars from about August 11-13. Find yourself a nice cozy spot away from city lights, maybe grab a cup of tea or hot cocoa, and soak in the beauty that nature has to offer. Happy stargazing, my friend!
Meteor shower
The Perseid meteor shower can be seen in 2018 from any location with clear skies and minimal light pollution. Look towards the northeast sky in the early morning hours of August 11-13 for the best viewing.
The Quadrantid meteor shower is an annual event that occurs in early January. It is known for its intense, brief meteor shower with up to 100 meteors per hour at its peak. The meteor shower is created by debris left behind by an asteroid named 2003 EH1.
a meteor shower
The Perseid Meteor Shower occurs in mid-August each year.
The Perseid meteor shower occurs between August 10 and August 13 every year.
Comet Swift-Tuttle
The Daily Orbit - 2012 Perseid Meteor Shower 1-234 was released on: USA: 7 August 2013
The Perseid Meteor Shower occurs in August. The Leonid Meteor Shower occurs in November.
The Perseid meteor shower is typically best seen after midnight when the radiant point is higher in the sky. In Las Vegas, optimal viewing time is usually between 2am and dawn when the sky is darkest. Find a location away from city lights for the best viewing experience.
That's not how meteor showers work. They don't "hit" specific places; they're visible pretty much everywhere the sky is dark. Tonight (August 13, 2011) is near the peak of the Perseid meteor shower.
Perhaps you are thinking of the Perseid Meteor Shower which is active in mid-August. It is visible all across the Northern Hemisphere.
The peak is on the 12th of August, but you will see them on the nights for at least a week before and after that, but not as many as on the peak night.
Who Knew - 2010 Perseid Meteor 1-88 was released on: USA: 11 August 2010