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The Germans worked the Jews to death by having them as sleves

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Q: How did the Germans work the Jews to death?
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Did the jews ever deny the germans work?

Jews did not prevent Germans from working at any time in German history.

Why didn't the Germans kill the Jews when they entered the death camp?

uhh they did

What happen to Jews that could not work in Germans concentration camps?

they were killed

Did Germans hate the Jews?

No, not all Germans hates the Jews. However, the particular group of Germans that hates the Jews were called the Nazi Germans.

What was used to kill six million Jews during world war 2?

Jews were sent to death camps where diseases spread and many germans killed jews there.

How were inocent Germans being killed by poles out of revenge?

it is said that the the Americans let the Jews actually abuse the Germans and tortured them to death. they actually did revenge on them.

What did Jews do at Ghettos?

They were to work and die. That's all they wanted of the Jews. They were ether work to death, starved to death, beat to death, died of a sickness, or shot.

What horrible things did the Germans do to kill Jews?

Burn, Shoot, Starve, Work to Death, Perform medical experiments on, Suffocate with mustard gas, beat.

Why did the Germans decide to exterminate the Jews?

it was either that or let them starve to death, exterminating them was considered to be more humane.

Germans and Jews the same?

No. Not all Germans are Jews and not all Jews are German. But there are German Jews, as well as Jews with many other nationalities.

How do Jews of sight deny what the Nazis are doing in Europe?

The Jews were tricked by the Nazi Germans. The Jews and the general populace of Germany bought all the lies the Nazi Germans fed them about the Jews and the concentration camps. Most Germans believed the death camps were work camps and war manufacturing places - they are the ones who lived in denial because they feared for their lives and rightly so. They knew they were not labor camps. You could smell the stink of death from more than a mile a way. They knew. Many Jews escaped or fled to the forests in various countries. Some managed to make it to the US and the presidential cabinet heard the horrid truth about the concentration camps.

Why did the Germans capture the Jews and then make them do their work?

the Germans captured the Jewish people because Adolf Hitler blamed the Jew for the Germans losing World War 1.