Pork Chop Hill is a movie that was released in the year 1959. The name of the song that is played by the Chinese announcer in the movie Pork Chop Hill is not stated, it is stated that it is classical music.
The duration of Pork Chop Hill is 1.62 hours.
Pork Chop Hill was created on 1959-05-29.
Cos it is shaped like a pork chop PLANK!!
you know because its pork
the russians
It started in March 1953 and ended in July 1953. That answer it? XD
No. I name my dog Pork Chop.
Pork Chop
Pork Chop. :D
Pork Chop Hill - 1959 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:16 Canada:PG (video rating) Finland:K-16 Norway:16 UK:PG USA:Approved (PCA #19212) West Germany:16 (f)