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Italy was not broken up into small,isolated valleys.

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Q: How did geographic conditions make it easier to unite Italy than to unite Greece?
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How did geographic condition's make it easier to unite Italy than to unite Greece?

Italy was not broken up into small,isolated valleys.

How did geographic conditions make it easier to united Italy than to unite Greece?

The mountains in Italy, the Apennines, do not block easy land-travel between the different regions of Italy. Conversely, the mountains throughout the Greek Peninsula make it very difficult for pre-modern vehicles to traverse the entire country and militarily unite it.

Why was Italy easier unify than Greece?

Italy was much smaller and it was a monarchy while Greece was a democracy.

What three aspect of Italy's geography it easier to unify than Greece?

Italy is a peninsula; it is centrally located on the continent (shape of a boot); city of Rome is the center of Italy.

What 3 aspects of Italy's geography made it easier to unify Greece?

Italy is a peninsula; it is centrally located on the continent (shape of a boot); city of Rome is the center of Italy.

Is Italy located in Greece?

No, Italy and Greece are different countries.

Is Italy's economic located in Greece?

Italy and Greece are completely separated countries.

Is Italy west of Greece?

Yes, Greece is east of Italy.

What direction is Greece from Italy?

Greece is east of Italy (or east southeast to be more precise).

Which continent is just south of Italy and Greece?

Africa is the continent south of Italy and Greece.

Which continent is due north of Italy and Greece?

The continent of Europe lies due north of Italy and Greece. Italy and Greece are actually part of that rather large continent.The continent due north of Italy and Greece is Africa

What body of water is between southern Italy and Greece?

The Ionian Sea is between Greece and southern Italy.