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Q: How did czars alexzander and nicholas deal with calls for reform?
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How did czars Alexander III and Nicholas II deal with calls for reforms?

they resisted all efforts for reform

How did the czars deal with calls for reforms?

they didnt

What czars oversaw rapid industrial development in Russia?

Nicholas II

Why did communists kill czar Nicholas?

He was a threat to their power and communists usually hate monarchs such as kingd and czars

The last two czars of Russia were?

Tsar Alexander III (1881-1894) and Tsar Nicholas II (1894-1917).

Who were the first and last czars of russia?

The first was Ivan IV (also known as Ivan the Terrible), and the last was Nicholas II.

What ended the rules of the czars?

The February Revolution of 1917 resulted in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the setting up of the Provisional Government.The February Revolution, not the October (Bolshevik/Communist) Revolution ended the rule of the Czars. Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne on March 2 (Russian calendar; March 15 on the western Gregorian calendar), 1917. The Bolshevik/Communist Revolution occurred eight months after the Tsar stepped down ending the rule of the czars.

What is the Russian's last five czars in order?

Mikhail Gorbachev, Konstantin Chernenko, Yuri Andropov, Leonid Brezhnev, and Anatas Mikoyan

What is home of Russia's czars?

The Winter Palace WAS the home of Russia's Tsars- but Nicholas II, the last Tsar of Russia, gave up his power in March, 1917.

Who were Russian czars?

The title Czar, sometimes spelled Tsar, was given to the monarch of Russia; it is derived from the title Cesar, the ruler of the Roman Empire. Some memorable Czars include Ivan the Terrible, Catherine the Great, and Nicholas II, who was the last Czar before the Bolshevik Revolution.

When was The Czars created?

The Czars was created in 1994.

Who was czar nicholas's father?

There were two czars (or 'tsars,' depending on the system of transliteration) by the name of Nicholas. Nicholas I, whose reign lasted from 1825-1855, was the son of Tsar Pavel (also Romanized as "Paul") I. Nicholas II, the last ruling tsar, who abdicated the throne in favor of the provisional government in 1917, was the son of Tsar Alexander III.