Odysseus pretended to be insane by planting salt in his fields. They caught him out because they placed his baby son, Telemachus, under the plow and Odysseus refused to run Telemachus over.
Achilles actually dressed up as a girl. But when Odysseus, pretending to be a merchant, sold lots of things including a sword, only one "girl" picked up the sword. This was when the Achaeans knew that this girl was actually Achilles.
Achilles never tried to escape going to Troy, quite the contrary. He wanted to go to Troy.
Louis Armstrong didn't want to be heavy he tried to avoid it
The god Poseidon is angry with Odysseus for most of the Odyssey. Odysseus blinds the cyclops Polyphemus who is the son of Poseidon. Poseidon therefore tries repeatedly to take revenge on Odysseus during his journey home.
Achilles was a immortal legend (real man ) aside from his heal but his mother was thetis a sea nympth that had a child with pelaus she was forced by the gods and goddess despite her hate for mortals, Achilles study with chiron and had a companion named patroclus there was a lot of rumours that they were lovers they met when patroclus was exiled to phtia. Then went to troy and faced may disturbances on the way to troy. Achilles war prizes were stripped of him by aggamenon king of mycenae Achilles then refused to fight so in a desparate attempt to save Achilles honour patroclus dressed in his armour and lead the myridoms into battle by his was killed by prince hektor in a rage Achilles set out to kill hektor a god tried to stop Achilles but Achilles wounded the god then killed hektor he was later killed in battle when paris shot a arrow guided by apollo into Achilles heal the only part of him vulerable and Achilles died.
Achilles and Odysseus
Achilles never tried to escape going to Troy, quite the contrary. He wanted to go to Troy.
He tried to be excused.
Unknown, but the ancient Greeks seemed to regard him and the other Trojan War heroes as if they were real. Themistocles patterned himself after Odysseus, and Alexander tried to be like Achilles. Actually, Odysseus was a real man. He was a man the ancient Greeks looked up to.
Odysseus, but his ploy did not work for he moved out of the way of his son to save him.
She tried
Neville Chamberlain
Poseidon hated Odysseus. He tried to delay Odysseus' homecoming. Poseidon hated him because Odysseus blinded one of his Polythemous.
suitors tried to come and take Odysseus wife Penelope, his palace and land.
Odysseus knew that he was going to be one of the men that was called to battle during the Trojan War. To avoid this, he tried to feign madness. He hitched a horse and a donkey to his plow so that it would plow crooked, uneven lines. He laid salt in his fields to render his soil unusable. He was assumed to be mad. He was later found out when one who was wise to his tricks laid down his infant son in the line of the plow, Odysseus moved out of the way; he was deemed sane and was recruited to fight!