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Q: How did Metaphyscal poets differ in their use of imagery that of the Elizabethan poets?
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How did Metaphysical poets differ in their use of imagery from that of the Elizabethan poets?

They tried to avoid clichés

Which of these is an example of a cliche from Elizabethan poetry that the metaphysical poets might have wanted to avoid?

One example of a cliché in Elizabethan poetry that the metaphysical poets might have wanted to avoid is comparing love to a red rose. Metaphysical poets sought to use wit, elaborate conceits, and unconventional comparisons in their work, moving away from the conventional and overused imagery found in earlier poetry.

Do free verse poets use more imagery than other poets?

Not necessarily. Free verse poets have the freedom to experiment with various techniques, including the use of imagery. Whether they use more imagery than other poets depends on their individual style and preferences, rather than the form itself.

What has the author Fred Inglis written?

Fred Inglis has written: 'An essential discipline' 'The imagery of power' -- subject(s): Advertising 'Popular culture and political power' -- subject(s): Popular culture 'Your England' 'The Elizabethan poets' 'Notes on Henry the Fourth, part 1'

What of these is an example of a cliché from Elizabethan poetry that the Metaphysical poets might have wanted to avoid?

Rosebud lips

What technique do poets use to create the mood?

Poets use a variety of literary devices such as imagery, tone, metaphor, and symbolism to create the mood in their poems. By carefully choosing their words and employing these techniques effectively, poets can evoke specific emotions and atmosphere in their work.

How do the poets word choices and imagery contribute to their development of a shared central idea?

Poets use carefully selected words and vivid imagery to evoke emotions, convey themes, and enhance the central idea of a poem. By choosing specific words and creating powerful images, poets can deepen the reader's understanding of the central message they are trying to convey, allowing for a more profound and immersive experience for the audience.

Why do poets use similes in their poems?

To connect, by way of imagery, with the reader/listener in a way that they might more readily empathise with the thought.

What might a poet need to improve images during revision?

Sometimes poets focus on elements other than imagery in their first drafts

Why is vivid imagery particularly important in a compressed form such as poetry?

Vivid imagery in poetry is important because it allows poets to convey complex emotions and ideas in a concise manner. By using powerful and vivid descriptions, poets can create strong visual and emotional impact on the reader, making the poem more engaging and memorable. In a compressed form like poetry, every word holds significance, and vivid imagery helps to maximize the impact of each word.

Why do poets use imagery?

i dont knolw

What is Words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the 5 senses poets often paint images or word pictures that also appeal to your senses?

Words or phrases that appeal to the senses are known as imagery. Poets use imagery to create vivid mental pictures by appealing to the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. This helps readers to experience the poem more deeply and emotionally.